Da, miroase a cerneala iar! Hardcomics are onoarea sa va invite joi, 17 noiembrie, la petrecerea de lansare a Hardcomics 4. „Poveste despre eu!”, de Alexandru Ciubotariu, va fi disponibila de vazut, rasfoit, cumparat, semnat sau altele, alaturi de niste muzica, vin si companie buna, pe strada Dr. Staicovici, la numarul 26. Ca
sa fiti siguri ca nu pierdeti nimic, trebuie sa stiti urmatoarele: Incepem in jur de ora 7 seara. Ne vedem acolo.
Yes, it smells like ink again! Hardcomics has the honour of inviting you on Thursday, the 17th of November, at the Hardcomics 4 launch party. „Poveste despre eu!”, by Alexandru Ciubotariu, will be available to see, look inside, buy, be signed or whatever, along with some nice music, wine and good company, on Dr. Staicovici 26. To make sure you won’t be missing it, you need to know this: we’ll start by 8 o’clock PM. See you there.