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„The OCCULTIST” nr. 2 a aparut!
Este o stire pentru noi pentru ca Victor Drujiniu este autorul creionajului
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you all know that the 2nd issue of my mini-series, published by Dark Horse, is out. I don’t know the release date, yesterday I received my comps, so it’s safe to assume the book has hit the shelves. Go out and buy it, as it looks great; Andrew Dalhouse did a wonderful job on colors, bringing it to the next level. And for those who might have missed issue #1, get it and read the whole thing, cause it’s an entertaining story, masterfully written by Tim Seely.

Hope you guys will look it up! Here’s the link to the preview, maybe this’ll convince you: http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/18-844?page=0


N-am citit pana acum, dar observ in plansa de mai sus localizarea in Bucuresti.
Poate ca sunt si scene din Timisoara printr-unul din volume…?

Alte stiri, despre Matei Branea, aparut intr-o compilatie europeano-asiatica Lingua Comica Reloaded, blogul fratilor Popescu, gasiti pe http://www.salonbd.ro