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[Terminal00] International Balkan Art Festival in Ljubljana
Deadline: May 31, 2006

The magic word is [Terminal00] and behind it we find the Slovenian Association for the Promotion of Visual Culture, which organizes an International Balkan Art Festival to be held in September 27-30, 2006 in Ljubljana. Young artists -up to 30 years of age, who are living and working in the Balkan area and are active in cultural and artistic fields such as video/film/animation, photography, fine arts, music and the club-culture- whose work expresses or emphasizes the Balkan identity, are called to submit their applications up until the 31st of May 2006.

[Terminal00] is based upon the collaboration, integration and interpolation of both traditional and contemporary Southeastern European cultures, various cultural and artistic institutions and other media organizations.

The central aim of the festival is to create conditions enabling young artists to work, create and promote their work, while also encouraging free artistic expressions, a constant flow of fresh ideas and the promotion of intellectual and cultural identities of the Balkans.

All applicants to [Terminal00] release the rights to have their work presented in any form for the purpose of the promotion of the festival.

The organizers of the festival cover all costs of participation, accommodation and meals, but travel expenses should be covered by the applicants (should an applicant be unable to cover these expenses, organizers can help find suitable sponsors).

The selection of the applicants who will participate in the festival depends on the choice of the jury, whose members can be found in the webpage http://www.terminal00.org/ .

Terminal00 will award the grand prize to the most promising artist.

The organizer will take measures to ensure the greatest possible care of the works received but cannot be held liable for lost works or those that will arrive damaged. Personal data to third parties will not be released, but will be used only for purposes of handling the applications.

festival [Terminal00] is organised by association for the promotion of visual culture [dru?tvo za promocijo vizualne kulture] founded in july 2005.
association for the promotion of visual culture
festival office [Terminal00].
levstikova ulica 003
SI-1000 ljubljana
mobile: +386 40 626 350
president: piera ravnikar
bank account number: 02010 0254661632 [NLB]
tax number: SI48168521
registry number: 1955322

organising team :: piera ravnikar
balkanart festival director
:: nina tomasovi?
programme coordinator

when expressions of art eagerly prance the streets, stopping only to tantalise you with sentiments and emotions that feed your soul and spirit.

the international balkanart festival [Terminal00] refer to a meeting point for young balkan artists who reign in the creation of a unique cultural space and offer to imprint balkan art works in the context of a bustling and vibrant street gallery in central ljubljana.

an expert jury of acknowledged international artists, select from the best of many, an array of winning artworks, to be displayed at the merry festival grounds. the international competition not only enhances the artistic value of works exhibited, but also provides our young balkan performers an opportunity to bask in the limelight of the keen public eye.

[Terminal00] offers the stage that stimulates the expressions of the young artists and provides a deserving platform to conceive, create and promote their artworks through south-eastern europe. the festival rests upon spontaneity and unique artistic sensibility, inspiring a continuous breath of new ideas to the distinct balkan cultural identity. blending traditional south-eastern culture and contemporary urban culture, the festival aims to mould the foundation towards a common future, sparkling with the glittering hues of the eastern and western spheres of life.

with a view to sharpen the public’s awareness of the balkan’s distinct culture and art, [Terminal00] wishes to share and highlight the common cultural heritage of its people, hoping to simultaneously topple the stereotype of balkan instability in the region.

extending over a period of four days, the the festival, comprising of free events for everyone to relish and bask in, will present itself in a potpourri of events from exhibitions, displaying photographs and images, to balkan-tinted jazz and ethno improvisations, performances of contemporary dance and theatre as well as a round table discussion on the ‘contemporary balkan art’. [terminal00] warmly extends its arms to receive enthusiastic participants to make this event a spirited success.