This year contest presented a vast amount of highest quality art which inspired awe, in some cases envy and generally the pleasure of the best kind.
The winning entry instantly got the jury’s attention with powerful storytelling impact and craftsmanship of undeniable quality. Other entries made more or less similar impact on all Jury members following not their personal tastes, but the objective facts of the shown abilities in storytelling and visual presentation. So, the Jury made its choice – there was no doubt about decisions regarding the best script and art in several categories, including the „Young Lion” for children. It can be said that all decisions were practically unanimous thanks to the shown creativity and enthusiasm of most of the contestants. The manifestation attendees can relish in the splendid exhibition of comics incoming from 27 countries from all over the world.
The term describing the awarded and other exhibited entries can be „professionalism” and the Jury proudly announces its firm stance with pleasure and hope that comics art will continue its existence in contemporary Serbian and global culture.
Bojan M. Djukic, member of the Jury