Romanian Cultural Institute: EUROPEAN COMICS SALONFrom October 28 to November 21, at MNAC (National Theatre building)
Patronage of EUNIC in Romania, Czech Centre, Cultural Centre of the Hungarian Republic, Wallonie-Bruxelles Delegation, Goethe-Institut, French Institute, Romanian Cultural Institute, in partnership with the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Jumătatea Plină (Half Full) Association, Comics fans Association of Romania, MM Europe Editions and Cărtureşti Bookshop
Official opening on October 28,
– at 18.30Mr. Horia-Roman Patapievici, president of the Romanian Cultural Institute and president of EUNIC net, and the Belgian comics artist and professor Olivier Grenson;
– at 19.00, the exhibition „Retrospecitve of Romanian Comics 1935–2010”, with over 100 original works, curator Alexandru Ciubotariu, and presentation of the “History of Romanian Comics” (1891-2010) by Alexandru Ciubotaru and Dodo Niţă.
– xhibitions, workshops, films, books launchings, meetings with artists and publishers, autographing sessions.
A special space is dedicated to artists who want to display their comics works, and another to publishers – books, magazines, fanzines etc
Among the comics professionals who will attend the Salon are Guy Delisle, Sylvain Coissard and Pakito Bolino (France), Olivier Grenson an Jean Auquier (Belgium), Cserkuti David and Bayer Antal (Hungary), Sascha Hommer (Germany), Sandu Florea (USA), Dodo Niţă and Octav Ungureanu (Romania).
That’s it for now. There will be a lot of surprises.
Soon, the complete program of the Salon