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Djordje Djuka Jankovic already had a career in newspaper illustration before he embarked on his first comics work in 1937. He was present in Mika Miš (Mickey Mouse) magazine from issue 80, starting with the story ‘Tajna Abisinskih Gudura’. Besides a couple of independent stories, like ‘ Pop Cira i pop Spira’, Jankovic created two series for the magazine: the Tarzan-like ‘Dzungla Ved’ and the more comical ‘Maksim’. Another comic with a caricatural rendition by Jankovic was ‘Avanture Nestasnog Bobija’. Jankovic eventually began to focus more on picture book illustration. Djuka Jankovic emigrated to Italy in 1951, and from there to South Africa, where he died in 1974 under the name George Jacobi.
