Kenn m-a rugat sa pun acest text pe cat mai multe site-uri pentru a face cunoscut evenimentul. In Romaneste…si nu numai!
Va rog sa preluati apelul lui si sa-l dati mai departe.
Kenn: „Don’t forget to have all interested comers check out the covoiturage page. From Timisuara to Dijon took only 15 hours and 200$ in fuel and tolls. Not bad when you compare it to the cost and time spent in a bus, eh?
Furthermore, if you know any other sites where I could leave a forum
post such as this one,, lemme know.”
Is it $ or EUR?
Kenn: „Lastly, it’s in euro. Even when I say dollars, I mean euro. I’m still
in a world where the dollar and the euro are the same thing and
Americans actually gave a damn about the other 6 billion people living on this planet. Unfortunately, this world only existed for about 2 years, from