Răspunde la: 24 Hour Comics Day Day


Gospo, pentru 1 persoana (din 4) dus-intors, inseamna 100-150EUR!
No way you go alone!
Si nu-l intreba asa pe Dariz, ca te pomenesti ca spune NU (again…) 😯
Vedeti ce se mai intampla si pe VA (daca…)
In order to promote the event, and thus solve some of the issues, draw flyers, post Kenn’s message (translated from French into Romanian)

I’m calling now our fellows from Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Yougoslavia, Greece, Turkey…
See? As far as „covoiturage” is concerned, there can be a solution… Take a map, make plans, make routes and tell all your findings and conclusions!
This is an expedition also!
The Force be with you!