Re: All about Eve


The lady Eve de Preston Sturges cu Barbara Stanwyck si Henry Fonda, vazut aseara, o comedie-spirt de te pune pe picioare, unul din acele filme clasice care ar trebui rasfoite ca adevarate colectii de maxime, acide dar savuroase, un fel de pattern original al woody-allen-urilor si al tipologiei frustrated boy meets frustrated cynical girl

Expertii in bere sau Radu Anton Roman sa ma lamureasca si pe mine:

Charles Pike: Beer? *Ale!*
Jean Harrington: What’s the difference?
Charles Pike: Between beer and ale?
Jean Harrington: Yes.
Charles Pike: My father’d burst a blood vessel if he heard you say that. There’s a big difference. Ale’s sort of fermented on the top or something, and beer’s fermented on the bottom, or maybe it’s the other way around. There’s no similarity at all.

Biere vs cervoise( cuvint galic care in franceza s-a plecat in fata germanicului beer)???
Bere si ce …?
Si tot din The lady Eve: I need him like the ax needs the turkey.