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Si are si tot mai multe „poze” 😛

22 Oct – Friday, Event will start off with the registration, then the instructors introduction followed by a few demos and surprises(cough Steambot SPARK! cough,you didn’t hear it from me), all ending with a big party till early morning.

23, 24 Oct – You will be in for one of the most brain melting weekends with demos from our instructors, on all levels of concept art: character, creature, environment, props and more,PLUS! real life inspiration from weapons, robotics, to architecture.The guys from Steambot will take you through their process of speedpainting and other new steampainting tehniques from characters to environments.Stephan Martiniere will keep you holding your breath while he takes you through the process and thoughts behind his amazing works.Kekai will kick ass developing his illustrations and character design with ease of a master while Mark Goerner will teach you how to create the best concept art from life!And im not mentioning nothing about the others …

25 Oct – Last day of the event well have demos(jawbreaks) followed by the precious portfolio reviews from the instructors.Bring your best work!youll certainly find out your strengths and weaknesses from these guys. Then you will take the inspiration and knowledge gathered here to create better art!

The Ark is a symbol of the reborn Bucharest, a monument building from 1898 which is part of an urban complex of the former industrial era. It is the creation of famous Romanian engineer Anghel Saligny and Italian architect Giuglio Magni. It has been abandoned during the communist period and now it has been saved from collapse, and retrofitted into a contemporary fresh, multifunctional space. At the time of its construction, the building was a symbol of the connection between the Romanian and the European economy. Now it will once again be the symbol of connection, between artists around the world, gathering under one roof, with the purpose of taking their art further and making friends along the way.

Instructor Lineup
Stephan Martiniere (ID Rage,Star Wars,I robot etc)
Steambot Studios(Tron Legacy,Assasins Creed,I am Legend, Wolverine, Assassin’s Creed, Prince of Persia,etc)
David Levy (Vyle)
Thierry Doizon (Barontieri)
Joel Dos Reis Viegas(Feerik)
Sebastien Larroude (Rainart)
Kekai Kotaki (Guild wars)
Mark Goerner(Xmen,Minority Report,Constantine etc)

Nu exista o versiune in limba romana. Cred ca ar fi fost un efort suplimentar la care s-a renuntat din ratiuni „economice”. Mi-e teama ca in fapt nu i s-a dat prea multa importanta, dintr-un cosmopolitism „zonal” 8)

Titlul, BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN, cred ca se refera mai degraba la o atitudine estetica, la un melting pot in care mai tinerii artisti amesteca ingrediente prea incarcate istoric pentru altii. Altfel pare un titlu defazat istoric. Artistii care vin la Bucuresti trece printr-o usoara perdea de praf de oxid de fier 😀

Pe cand un atelier BEYOND THE IRON CURTAIN?