Re: Corespondenta din Slovenia


Dear artists,

You are invited to participate with you comics, texts and illustrations in our new regular issue. No specific topic is selected. Humorous, politically engaged and erotical comics especially wanted.
Comics should be in A4 format, in english. No limitations in length. Send files in tif format (600 dpi for b&w lineart or 300 dpi for grayscale – NO MAC FILES PLEASE!!!) to or on a cd to
Metelkova 6
1000 Ljubljana

The deadline is 15th August 2006.

For more info write to

– Strip Core c/o Forum Ljubljana
Institute for Art and Cultural Production
Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel. +386 1 2319662, fax. +386 1 4338074

Forum Ljubljana je clan Asociacije