Povestirile romilor @ Salonul European de Banda Desenata / 3 – 20 noiembrie / MNAC – Foto Anexa
O PRIBJEHI – Povestirile romilor
Prima trilogie ceheasca de benzi desenate dedicata povestirilor romilor
(Autori: Masa Borkovcova, Marketa Hajska si Vojtech Masek, 2010)
Trilogia de benzi desenate „O Pribjehi / Povestirile romilor“ este o combinatie unica intre lumea benzilor desenate si a unor domenii care, la prima vedere, nu par sa aiba ceva in comun cu acestea, cum ar fi antropologia, lingvistica, documentaristica sau studiile asupra comunitatilor de romi. Fiecare dintre carti poarta denumirea unor eroi romi reali ale caror povesti au fost tratate de Masa Borkovcova, expert pe problemele romilor, de antropologul Marketa Hajska si de catre scenaristul de benzi desenate Vojtech Massek, pe baza unor povestiri orale. Fiecare carte este, asemenea fiecărui erou, diferita din punct de vedere al continutului, structurii si realizarii plastice. Scopul intregului proiect este sa aduca la cunostinta unui public mai larg lumea unica a catorva personaje rome. Relatarea intamplarilor, ca drum al omului catre om si, in acelasi timp, catre sine insusi, este posibila mai ales datorita prieteniei stranse a eroilor principali cu autorii, care fac parte ei insisi din intamplarile povestite. Prezenta acestora in benzile desenate mareste gradul de autenticitate, scoate in evidenta angajarea personala si relatiile cu eroii, punand intrebari si, din cand in cand, si bazele, logica si directia povestirii. Toti cei trei eroi principali ai benzilor desenate sunt romi, personalitati cu povesti de viata interesante. De exemplu, Albina, careia ii este dedicata prima carte, este o tanara care si-a petrecut majoritatea vietii in asezarile rome din Slovacia. Viata ei se schimba in momentul in care, in asezarea in care locuieste impreuna cu sotul si cei sapte copii, soseste Karel, voluntar intr-o organizatie umanitara. La scurt timp, sotul Albinei moare in mod tragic. Karel si Albina se indragostesc unul de altul, se casatoresc si li se naste un fiu. Povestirea se sfarseste în Cehia, unde se muta. Dialogul banal de la sfarsit ancoreaza relatia romantica în realitate, iar cititorul nu este atat de dulce imbatat de happy-end, ci realizeaza ca si cea mai inflacarata relatie sfarseste in stereotip, caruia fiecare dintre noi i se poate cu greu sustrage.
+ Atelier de povesti / Sambata, 5 noiembrie / 15h00-17h00
cu Masa Borkovcova (Cehia) /dedicat copiilor cu varste intre 10 si 15 ani, care stiu sa deseneze
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Masa Borkovcova (Cehia), unul dintre autorii trilogiei de benzi desenate „O Pribjehi“ / „Povestirile romilor“, este etnolog si expert pe problemele romilor.
Programme: Wednsday – Sunday / 12h00 – 20h00 / free entrance
MNAC – Foto Anexa (Calea Mosilor, nr. 62-68, Bucharest)
Official opening of the European Comics Showroom / Thursday, 3rd of November /18h30
O PRIBJEHI – Roma Stories
The first Czech comics trilogy dedicated to the stories of the Roma
(Authors: Masa Borkovcova, Marketa Hajska and Vojtech Masek, 2010)
The comics trilogy „O Pribjehi / Roma Stories“ represents a unique combination between the world of comics and other areas which at first sight seem to not have anything in common with, such as antropology, lingusistics, documentary studies or Roma comunities research. Each of the books bears the name of real Roma heroes whose stories were depicted by Masa Borkovcoa, expert on Roma issues, anthropologist Marketa Hajska, and comics scriptwriter Vojtech Massek, on the basis of oral histories. Each book and each hero are different in regards to content, structure and form. The goal of the entire project is to raise wide public awareness on the special world of some Roma characters. The telling of the stories, as a journey towards the other and at the same time an inner journey, is mainly possible due to the strong friendship between the heroes and the authors, themselves part of the stories. This results in a rise in autenticity, highlights the personal commitment and the relationships with the heroes, raises questions and at times lays the basis, logic and direction of the stories. The three heroes of the stories are all Roma and are all characters with extremely interesting life stories. For example, Albina, the charachter around which the first book is centered, is a young girl who had spent most of her life in the Roma settlments in Slovakia. Her life changes the moment when in the community where she, her husband and her seven children live, arrives Karel, volunteer in a humanitarian mission. Karel and Albina fall for each other, get married and a son is borne. The story ends in the Czech Republic, where the two will move. The plain dialogue in the end throws the romantic relationship back into reality. The reader will not be sweetely overwhelmed by the happy-ending, but will realise that even the most passionate relationship ends up in the kind of stereotype difficult to escape from.
+ Storytelling workshop / Saturday, 5th of November /15h00-17h00
with Masa Borkovcova (Cehia) /for kids between 10 and 15 years old, who are keen on drawing
Sign up at:
Masa Borkovcova (Czech Republic), one of the authors of the trilogy of comics „O Pribjehi“ /„Roma Stories“, is ethnologist and expert on Roma issues.