Thanks, Stripburgers and Marko for the CALL! 🙂
All Stripburger issues are mostly translated in English. In these times of American cultural supremacy, this decision may look conservative, but it has its advantages. This way, the privilege of reading comics about being deprivileged will spread worldwide, as even some Americans understand English. All the special issues: Honey talks, Miniburger, Madburger, etc. are published in English, the comics in regular issues are printed in Slovenian, English and serbo-croato-bosnian with all the texts in Slovenian and translated in the English connector added to every issue for the reading pleasures of all the non-slovenians.
To order Stripburger issues, have a look here.
You are invited to participate with you comics, texts and illustrations in our new regular issue. No specific topic is selected, eventhough humorous, politically engaged and erotical comics are especially wanted.
Comics should be in A4 format, in english. No limitations in length. Send files in tif format (600 dpi for b&w lineart or 300 dpi for grayscale – NO MAC FILES PLEASE!!!) to or on a cd to our address.
The deadline is 15th August 2006.
For more info write to
Vabimo vas, da s svojimi stripi, teksti in ilustracijami sodelujete pri naslednji redni stevilki Stripburgerja. Tema je prosta. Dol?ina neomejena.
Fajle lahko po?ljete na v tif formatu (600 dpi za b&w lineart ali 300 dpi za grayscale) do 15. avgusta.