Presupun ca la ora asta sunteti toti cu biletele de Budapesta in buzunar.
Cu cartoanele se poate rezolva si aici, probabil ca ungurii au dreptate cu sugestia lor de a fi o expozitie prezentata unitar. Daca nu veniti de la Craiova cu cartoanele gata montate, presupun ca aducerea desenelor in niste mape e o solutie comoda si nu mai face necesara adresa mea catre vama ungara – aceea care trebuie redactata in cazul tablourilor pictate si inramate.
Am retinut la Pensiunea Dominik camera pentru cracovieni, pe trei nopti, incepand din 26/27.
Petrecere buna de Pasti. Sarbatori fericite!
Mircea Oprita
Despre expozitie:
We do not plan to do the Hungarian part in advance. If we have here your materaila also, we will see what we need to do it, and we’ll buy the whole together.
Ocsi thout of black plastic base on which we stick the original and the photocopied papers with pieces of plasticine, The papers would be covered with nylon foil. The nylon foil would be attached with strips of „self-sticking wallpaper” which would also function as passe-partout. The picture would hang on strings.
si despre…altele:
We will think about the Budapest sightseeing until then. We will go to The House of Terrors for sure, but we might also visit the Castle District, Vaci Street, and some interesting local pubs.
We will meet you at the train station.
See you soon!
Feri, you kept the best for last 😛