Re: Pavesio Editions


Flavio Troisio si Joseph Vig nu vin la Salon pentru e reprezenta Editura Pavesio si ultima lor realizare ca scenarist si, respectiv, desenator: MAYAPAN.

Cu Flavio corespondez de ceva vreme. I-am cerut lui si lui Joseph sa adreseze cateva cuvinte participantilor la Salon. Iata-le:

Joseph and I are very pleased the romanian audience can now take a look at our work. Just thinking about it gives us a pleasure that only who has build a story in the tender lonliness of his little house can really understand. From that house to Romania… wow! As a matter of fact we don’t know so much about your market and the readers choices, but we really hope you all will appreciate the hard work we made writing a story that is – in my not so humble opinion – a mystic thriller in an ethnic science fiction world for smart readers – and hand painting every single panel with all the love and respect for the audience.

The warmest thank you to all the romanian readers and to the staff of the Salon International de la BD.

If you’d like to contact us: write here:

Flavio Troisi
Joseph Vig

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