- Acest subiect are 27 de răspunsuri, 7 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 17 ani de
Participantde la Anunturi, aici, pentru ca se face istorie!
Primul „volum” de BeDele & Alea-alea polono-roman, STARUORZZZ, e gata!
A fost realiizat de Cristian Loghin „Corto” si Joanna Karpowicz „JK” cu contributia urmatorilor:
„Ciubi” Ciubotariu, Ionut Popescu, Marian „Maxim” Mirescu, Catalin „Gospo” Gospodin, Daniel „Dariz” Rizea, Nicolae „Spoitoru” Radu, Dagmara Matuszak, Piotr „Pszren” Szreniawski , Tomasz „Asu_swing” Pastuszka, Norbert „Rybb” Rybarczyk, Artur „Tortur” Sad?os, Mariusz „Sopo” Sopy??o, Miko?aj „Tkachoz” Tkacz,
Szelest, Heliosz, Piotruś, Perrin, Dopart, Pan Kulka & Marek Fizykoterapeuta.BOOK-ul va fi prezentat la Festivalul international de BD din Lods, Polonia
About The Festival in Lodz:
The International Festival of Comics, regularly held in Lodzkim Domu Kultury, is still one of the most famous cultural events not only in Poland but also in our part of Europe. This year in 6-7 October we are celebrating the 17th edition of the festival. Owing to the festival and artists interested in comics lodz has become „the Polish capital of comics”.
Every year thousands of people keen on this form of art come to Lodz. We prepare many attractions for them. We invite well-known artists. In the past we were honoured to invite Grzegorz Rosinski, Stan Sakai, Marvano, Pat Mills, Clint Langley, Zbigniew Kasprzak i Karel Saudek. The public could also meet great Polish artists such as (Henryk Chmielewski, Tadeusz Baranowski, Janusz Christa, Boguslaw Polch, Szrlota Pawel i Bohdan Butenko) and very young artists who had already published many albums.
During the festiwal you can talk to them about topics of their interests and ask for the autograph. There are also workshops for young artists. Next the the professionals and novices will compete during „comics sessions”. There are also numerous lectures concerning comics, films and fantasy stories.
The comics Festival is a great opportunity to talk about this kind of art. While visiting the exhibitions you will be able to learn much about the history and theory of comics. This year or the fourth time you will be able to take part in a conference in which experts on comics will diseuss the subject. (thanks, C& JK!)DreamWave
ParticipantPreview-ul copertei publicatiei:
Participant😀 uraaa!
ParticipantAm o versiune pdf…multilingva: polono-englezo-romana 😛
Vor fi versiuni tiparite in Engleza si in Romana.
Cartea va fi disponibila si pe net.
Cateva exemplare vor fi prezentate sii la Salonul de la Bucuresti (pe langa Festivalul international de la Lodz, Targul de la Frankfurt…)…_Maxim
ParticipantUrmatorul volum va fi „EVERYBODY SUCKS” – strips& BD/comics A4 color, 2-4 pagini de autor „vampire related”
ParticipantFoarte Foarte bine! astept cu nerabdare ca albumu’
sa ajunga si in mainile mele, si la mai multe!!! 😀
ParticipantTATA VADER: Luke it iz ur destiny!!!(si ii da o matura sa stranga sticlele sparte dupa bairamul de aseara)
lucky luke:sa mori tu…
LUCKY LUKE:baga-mi-ash…(si constiincios cum era el,ultimul cavaler jedi, se intoarce, scoate sabia laser si taie matura)
TATA VADER:te spun lu ma-ta!!!
za iendchelooo
ParticipantLOL 😆 😆 😆
Faza asta e pe gustul meu 😛
Bine gandita si bine facuta 😉DreamWave
ParticipantVader: Luke, the emperor wants to see you.. ( respiratie grea )
Emperor: ( din umbra, cu gluga peste cap, si cu o voce foarte groasa ) Young Skywalker, I think it’s the time you fulfil your destiny.. come.. ( si ii face un semn subtil cu mana )
Luke se apropie cu grija..
Emperor: Can you lift me up a bit? I think I shitted my pants again.
Luke: ( se indeparteaza, iritat ) What? You old son of a..
Vader: Come on, Luke.. he IS your grandfather. Oh and be careful.. don’t drop him into the.. (*)
Emperor: Waaaa….
Vader: Oh never mind!* -> aluzie SW ep 6
ParticipantSpoitoru, nu mai sta cu mainile-ntinse! 8) Lucreaza pentru urmatorul album! 😈
i.a.t. a facut si desenele intre timp! le veti vedea in volumul special Sanki pentru Salonul de la Bucuresti (cheloo, fii pe faza!)
DreamWave, „grandfather”?!…no SHIT?! 😆
🙄 aaaahm…I think you dropped something 😆Sanki
Participantpretty cute nice avatar, btw 😉
ParticipantSTARUORRZZ in Lodz, la Festivalul International BD (MFK)!
Photos coming soon
pana atunci, o galerie, aici:
ParticipantPoze de la Lodz: 😀
CORTO (Cristian Loghin, „ingrijitorul editiei”…dedicand)
oooooooo…o fana! 😳
Look: no money! Dar a meritat!
…si fani care privesc si primesc cu seriozitate comicul (asa cum se cuvine 😉 )DreamWave
Forta e cu noi! Levitam deja…
NICIUN COMPUTER? NICIUN MONITOR cat de cat? Toata lumea cu nasu’n carti…
Ce mai, COMICul e un lucru foarte serios!
Joanna [edit: care e de fapt Magda :?] explicand…Si o face bine. Vorbeste perfect Poloneza.
„Here goes another copy of STARUORZZZ…yyessss!!„ -