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  • #5082 Răspunde

    Marko Stojanović was born on May 17th 1978 in Leskovac where he still lives and works as an English teacher. For 16 years he was drawing and translating comics (Hellboy, Hardboiled, Raptors, Sky Doll…). He has scripted albums Max Debris; Black Soul;, Hawthorne Bed; Requiem; Dog’s Lives; Dust, Ashes, Fairytale and Other Truths; Deathwatch; Le Dico des Hommes, Le Dico des Femmes; Les 69 secrets a savoir sur les Femmes; Les 69 secrets a savoir sur les Hommes; Tout obtenir de Lui; Tout obtenir de Elle and the serials ’Ageless’ and ’Bloodless’. He writes for several periodicals (he is a columnist for the UPPS portal – and author of a book of comics-related essays entitled Southern Comfort published byCultural Centre of Niš in their edition ’Eldorado’. He has prepared and edited Leskovac Comics 1950-2010 monography along with several graphic novels of Serbian authors. He is also EIC of Strip Pressing comics magazine from Niš, comics editor for the Think Tank magazine from Leskovac and initial creator plus co-organizer of Balkan Young Comics Creators Showcase, the oldest and most massive comics festival in the ex-Yugoslavian region. With Srđan Nikolić Peka he is heading ’Nikola Mitrović Kokan’ school for comics creators in Leskovac. He won several tens of awards, amongst them the First Politikin Zabavnik Prize, Sixth International Comics Salon Plaque for the script and classical approach to comics, Grand Prix of the Seventh International Salon in Veles – Macedonia and two October Awards of Leskovac.

    Jovan Ukropina was born on September 28th 1980 in Belgrade. He graduated from the College of Fine and Commercial art in Belgrade. Since 1992 he is a member of the ‘Đorđe Lobačev’ comics school and workshop. He worked together with the script writer Marko Stojanović on several short comics stories winning several awards, amongst which were the Second Prize for comics competition in Niš and the First Prize of Politikin Zabavnik for the SKC Competition in Belgrade. He published his comics in periodicals Strip Vilajet, Think Tank and Strip Pressing. For the magazine Blitz Woman he was creating for years the feature Nevena. For French publisher ‘12bis’ he realised La ou vivent les morts album with writer Jean-Pierre Pecau. He also illustrated books for numerous Serbian publishers, amongst them for ‘Creative Centre’ and ‘Busy Bee’.

    #5083 Răspunde

    Deschiderea s-a facut, ca de obicei cu mult…zgomot! :mrgreen:

    …de s-a auzit pana hat departe!

    #5084 Răspunde

    Bojan are ceva de spus si nu ezita! 🙂

    …si o spune pe note: “Empty chairs at empty tables” din musicalul “Les Miserables” pe muzica lui Claude-Michel Schönberg pe un libret de Alain Boublil.

    There’s a grief that can’t be spoken.
    There’s a pain goes on and on.
    Empty chairs at empty tables
    Now my friends are dead and gone.

    Here they talked of revolution.
    Here it was they lit the flame.
    Here they sang about `tomorrow’
    And tomorrow never came.

    From the table in the corner
    They could see a world reborn
    And they rose with voices ringing
    I can hear them now!
    The very words that they had sung
    Became their last communion
    On the lonely barricade at dawn.

    Oh my friends, my friends forgive me

    That I live and you are gone.
    There’s a grief that can’t be spoken.
    There’s a pain goes on and on.

    Phantom faces at the window.
    Phantom shadows on the floor.
    Empty chairs at empty tables
    Where my friends will meet no more.

    Oh my friends, my friends, don’t ask me
    What your sacrifice was for
    Empty chairs at empty tables
    Where my friends will meet no more

    #5085 Răspunde

    Lawrence Heyworth, manager la Look and Learn Ltd (arhiva la, prezentat de Bojan Dukić, autor BD si muzician

    Simon Vućković, autor BD muntenegrean, Paul Gravett, conferentiar, redactor si curator specializat in Banda Desenata internationala…

    …Pasćovek Čubakić si Klonedrag Ratnik :mrgreen:

    #5086 Răspunde

    …and the winners are…

    Vladimir Vesovic, autor BD, Serbia

    Marco Nizzoli

    Luca Enoch

    #5087 Răspunde

    Fotografiile sunt facute, evident, de Predrag Mladenović.

    FORTELE unite ala BeDelei

    Vladimir Vesović, autor BD, Serbia

    Vladimir Vesović

    Milosav Miki Pješčić, editorul festivalului
    Si spectacolul continua si azi.

    #5088 Răspunde

    Pana aflam impresiile si expresiile lui BULA, cam asta a fost.

    Toate astea s-au intamplat si se intampla de multi ani incoace foarte aproape de Timisoara, de Craiova, un pic mai departe de Bucuresti si foarte departe de Constanta.

    #5089 Răspunde

    😯 RESPECT 😯

    #5090 Răspunde

    E drept, geografic nu-i cine stie ce departare. Odata ajuns acolo insa, esti pe alta planeta. Una mai frumoasa, mai trebuie sa precizez?

    #5091 Răspunde

    @i.a.t wrote:

    😯 RESPECT 😯


    #5092 Răspunde

    @Graphite wrote:

    E drept, geografic nu-i cine stie ce departare. Odata ajuns acolo insa, esti pe alta planeta. Una mai frumoasa, mai trebuie sa precizez

    Trebuie, ca sa se stieee…!
    …Ca eu o “dadeam cotitia”, pe unde doare, precizez :mrgreen:
    (Faceam geo-flexiuni)

    #5093 Răspunde

    Participantii romani din acest an au fost: Serban Andreescu, cu “Smoking is Dangerous for the Environment, Ioan Dorin Fabri, Mihai Danielescu, Laurentiu Butuc si Marian Mirescu, cu “The Drawer”, Adrian Barbu, cu “In the very end” (scenariu Marko Stojanovic, unul dintre cei doi castigatori ai Marelui Premiu).
    (numele lui Adrian e “sarit” in lista participantilor din catalogul Festivalului :?, dar apare in lista lucrarilor si a… castigatorilor)

    In lista lucrarilor intrate in concurs apare si cea trimisa anul trecut de Adrian Barbu (desene) si Marian Mirescu (scenariu), care a intarziat atunci…motivat, “Once upon a shrine”!

    #5094 Răspunde

    Catalogul este disponibil online
    Catalog of 9th international comics showroom download in pdf

    Cele doua montaje fotografice din editiile trecute fac loc trecerii noastre pe acolo:

    Desenatorul laureat Cristian Pacurariu (prima imagine)

    Sticla speciala (editie limitata, dar sufiHICienta) de vin rosu vartos “DRACULA” (prima imagine) si celalalt laureat al Marelui Premiu, eu, ca scenarist, pe numele din acte: Marian Mirescu (in urmatoarea imagine)…

    …si creditele pentru catalogul din acest an

    #5095 Răspunde

    @Maxim wrote:

    Participantii romani din acest an au fost: Serban Andreescu, cu “Smoking is Dangerous for the Environment, Ioan Dorin Fabri, Mihai Danielescu, Laurentiu Butuc si Marian Mirescu, cu “The Drawer”, Adrian Barbu, cu “In the very end” (scenariu Marko Stojanovic, unul dintre cei doi castigatori ai Marelui Premiu).
    (numele lui Adrian e “sarit” in lista participantilor din catalogul Festivalului :?, dar apare in lista lucrarilor si a… castigatorilor)

    In lista lucrarilor intrate in concurs apare si cea trimisa anul trecut de Adrian Barbu (desene) si Marian Mirescu (scenariu), care a intarziat atunci…motivat, “Once upon a shrine”!

    Dintr-o neintelegere, se pare ca ambele (!) lucrari al caror desenator a fost Adrian Barbu au fost descalificate, neintrand in competitia pentru premiile juriului.
    Pentru “Once upon a shrine”, care a ajuns tarziu anul trecut la Belgrad, cu toate ca a fost trimisa in timp util, am primit asigurarea ca va intra in concurs in acest an.
    Pentru a intra in concurs era nevoie ca autorii sa completeze formularul de aplicare pentru 2011, lucru care nu a mai fost facut, pentru ca Adrian a aplicat impreuna cu Marko, cu o cealalta lucrare, “In the very end”… care urma sa ramana singura in concurs – regulamentar!

    #5096 Răspunde

    Bojan Dukić ne promite ca vom vedea videoclipul cu el cantand in curand, pe youtube!
    Suntem numai… urechi si ochi!

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