Concursuri, festivaluri…

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  • #220 Răspunde

    Comic Contest on Tolerance
    For young people from European countries…
    Deadline: May 1 2005

    The association „Ri voice” from the town of Rijeka, Croatia is organising an international comic contest on tolerance.

    The contest is open to young people aged between 15 and 20 from all European countries. Young people are invited to send their contributions – comics or caricatures on tolerance – and to make an application for financial awards.

    The contest is open from March 1 – May 1 2005. The best comics and caricatures will be exhibited in appropriate places in Rijeka. Award winners will be invited to the opening celebration.

    Contributions should be sent by mail to the contact information below.

    For more information, contact Mirjana Kazija by email at *protected email*

    Mirjana Kazija
    Association „Ri voice”
    Laginjina 15
    HR – 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
    *protected email*

    Location: Europe
    Deadline: May 1, 2005


    Brieft description
    The project intends to realise a DVD in comic strip to describe the birth and the increasing of Council of Europe.
    The project will be realised completely by young people aged between 15 and 30 years old.
    DVD will be realised in the many languages (Italian, English, other partners languages), because it must be possible to understand the history in all European countries.
    Period of realisation:
    Probably dates of the preparatory meeting: 24th- 29th May 2006 with 4 working days (from 25 to 28) + 2 travel days.
    From: 01.05.2006
    Potenza (Italy) + other partners countries
    Partners needed:
    At least we need other 3 Countries

    The project could be cofinanced at 66%.
    So the rest of 34% must arrive from participant and promoter countries

    Target groups:
    young people (age range: 15-30), better if graphic artists

    the main objective of this project is to produce multimedia didactic materials for the development and the enforcement of services offered by European Governance Network and for schools.
    In particular we would like to produce a DVD in comic strip dedicated to especially young people. We have a very long experience with students (of every ages) in the frame of our activities and we know, on one side, how is important to make them aware about Europe but, on the other side, how this task is difficult.

    Promoter organisation:
    Via Livorno, 34
    85100 Potenza (ITALY)
    Tel. 0039-0971-46524
    Fax. 0039-0971-21593

    Contact: mrs. Anna Lagrotta: *protected email*

    #2025 Răspunde

    pentru prima data…la EXIT 05, festival de muzica

    am intrat pe chat, le-am spus si aratat ce facem (fanzine si „galerii”)*, le-am scris organizatorilor si astept detalii…

    *le-a placut!!
    max, this is good stuff.. really… I found some gallery with your illustrations
    this Sanki thing is really good… pro stuff… little star wars guys are tHE BeST!!!

    #2026 Răspunde

    Se organizeaza cea de a doua editie a Primului Concurs European de Banda Desenata!
    Sunt invitati sa participe si artistii romani!
    Detalii si regulament aici:

    #2027 Răspunde

    In cadrul Zilelor Craiovei de saptamana viitoare, incepand cu 25 Octombrie, se va organiza si o Gala de Umor ‘Dan Sava”, la Casa studentilor.
    La Zilele Craiovei vor fi multe spectacole, targuri, concursuri, bere, mici, spectacole, bere.

    Si bere! 😛


    #2028 Răspunde

    Ammmmm revenit!
    Hmmm, o parada interesanta, gratare doldora, bere garla si un spectacol Voltaj…electrizant!
    Au fost mai multe, dar n-am fost peste tot tot timpul (Phoenix, de exemplu); oh, o lume de vis pentru cateva ore 😉

    #2029 Răspunde

    Acest festival national va decerna COBILITA DE AUR!
    Vom discuta pe larg despre acest inedit festival, in a carui organizare ne-am implicat si ne vom mai implica in ceea ce priveste promovarea lui.
    Pentru aceasta vom deschide un sectiune speciala.

    #2030 Răspunde

    The competition of comics
    The 17th International Festival of Comics held in ?ódz 6-8 October 2006
    The regulations concerning a short piece of comic strip.

    The competition is open to the public. The theme of the comics is free. You can use different techniques such as drawing, painting, computer graphics or photography.
    To take part in the competition you should submit comic strips that haven`t been published before.

    The submitted comics will be evaluated in two categories:
    – professionals (people who have already published their works in albums or magazines- excluding MFK catalogues)
    – novices (winners in the category will be treated as professionals in the future competitions)
    The participant is supposed to declare in which category he/she would like to appear. The organizers exercise the right to verify the participants` declarations.

    The competitors can put forward one comic strip. The number of pages must not exceed eight pages A3 (297x420mm) or A2 (210x297mm). All the pages should be signed, numbered and marked as “professional” or “novice”. You should write your name, function eg. graphic designer, sctiptwriter, your e-mail and the telephone number. All works should be signed overleaf only. You should also enclose a CD record with an electronic version of the work (files saved in tiff, CMYK, A4-300DPI). The works that won`t be accompanied by a CD version won`t be published in the catalogue.
    All the comics should be packed in a cardboard folder which is needed to send you back the comics (copies and printouts will not be sent back).

    The comics should be sent to ?ódzki Dom Kultury, Traugutta 18, 90-113 ?ódz, KOMIKS 2006 by 31 August 2006. Yo take part in the competition you are requested to pay 30 zl. (Polish citizens) and 15 euro (for foreigners) into our bank account ?DK, Traugutta 18, 90-113 ?ódz PKO BP O/?ódz, Nr 44102033520000100200142562 and send the photocopy of the receipt along with the comics.
    Only works complying with the requirements will take part in the competition. The works will be shown at the Exibition of Comics housed in ?DK during the festival. All competitors will be allowed free admission to fringe events. What is more, all competitors whose works will be published in the catalogue will get a copy of it for free.
    A special jury ( Comics Academy) will announce the final results on the 7th of October 2006 in ?DK during the International Festival of Comics and the awards in both categories and Grand Prix MFK 2006 will be handed to the winners.
    The Grand Prix winner will receive a special award – the French Ambassy will cover the cost of the journey and the stay in Angouleme in France at the Comics Festival.
    Once the festival has been over, the exibition will be shown in some Polish cities. The Grand Prix winner will be honoured to prepare graphic elements used during the International Festival of Comics 2007 and will be requested to submit the project by the end of 2006. The organizers reserve for themselves the right to turn down the winner`s project if they come to the conclussion that it does not come to their expectations. In such a situation they will ask another artist to prepare the project.

    The organizers also reserve the right to publish some of the works in the catalogue of the exhibition, magazines and the Internet to promote the artists and the festival itself. The right will be reserved in the future years in which the festival will be organised so that they could use some chosen works in the jubilee issues of publications without additional permissions.
    The organizers reserve the right to give the works to the sponsor of the festival so that he could on a one-off basis show them in the Internet or print them
    If you send the works it means you agree on giving your data to publishers who would like to contact you. If you are not interested in that you should send a special declaration.
    After the exibitions are finished you will be requested to collect your comics in the festival office or they will be sent you back within three months.

    The organizers: ?DK and the Association of Artists CONTUR

    The International Festival of Comics, regularly held in ?ódzkim Domu Kultury, is still one of the most famous cultural events not only in Poland but also in our part of Europe. This year in 6-7 October we are celebrating the 17th edition of the festival. Owing to the festival and artists interested in comics ?ódz has become „the Polish capital of comics”.
    Every year thousands of people keen on this form of art come to ?ódz. We prepare many attractions for them. We invite well-known artists. In the past we were honoured to invite Grzegorz Rosi?ski, Stan Sakai, Marvano, Pat Mills, Clint Langley, Zbigniew Kasprzak i Karel Saudek. The public could also meet great Polish artists such as (Henryk Chmielewski, Tadeusz Baranowski, Janusz Christa, Bogus?aw Polch, Szrlota Pawel i Bohdan Butenko) and very young artists who had already published many albums.
    During the festiwal you can talk to them about topics of their interests and ask for the autograph. There are also workshops for young artists. Next the the professionals and novices will compete during „comics sessions”. There are also numerous lectures concerning comics, films and fantasy stories.
    The comics Festival is a great opportunity to talk about this kind of art. While visiting the exhibitions you will be able to learn much about the history and theory of comics. This year or the fourth time you will be able to take part in a conference in which experts on comics will diseuss the subject.
    The Comics Festival is strictly connected with the competition. Every year over a hundred of artists from different parts of the world come to ?ód?. Their works are shown at the exhibition and evaluated by the jury. In the past we were honoured to invite the following jurors: Jerzy Treli?ski, Andrzej Pągowski, Jacek Rodek, Ferdynand Ruszczyc, Julian Bohdanowicz, Grzegorz Rosi?ski, Gabriel Ka?at, Jerzy Szy?ak i Wojciech Birek. The best works are always published in the festival’s catalogue. The organizers haven’t forgotten about comics collectors. There will be plenty of opportunity for buying some older and the latest comics as we have invited many publishers and private collectors. The publishers will be pround to present the latest albums.
    The organizers remember also about the youngest fans of comics. Every year they organize a competition for primary and high schools students. The results of the competition are announced on the first day of the festival. Later the very young artists take part in special workshops. They meet editors of some comics magazines and artists creating comics for the youngest readers.
    Every year a large number of journalists observe the festival. That is why you can find numerous raports on the festival in the Internet newspapers and on the radio and TV.
    The organizers believe that the main aim of the festival is to promote this kind of art in Poland and abroad. They also want to promote young, talented artists by showing their works to the public and publishers. One should mention here that many well-known Polish artists showed their first works at the comics festivals in ?ód?.

    The organizers of the International Comics Festival:
    ?ódzki Dom Kultury
    Stowarzyszenie Twórców „Contur”
    Ul. Traugutta 18, 90-113 ?ód?
    Tel. +4842 6339800 and 244 or 247

    #2031 Răspunde


    For the fifth time, in several locations in the town of Pancevo, a gathering of comics creators, publishers and theoreticians will be held. Along with the Main Program (which includes exhibitions, panel disscussions, projections,concerts), is connected to the venues of the Pancevo Cultural Center (including Gallery of Contemporary Art), there’s also an Additional Program spread in other locations in town, such as clubs ( Arhiv and Studio 21), Popovic Pastry Shop, etc.

    Among the guests of the festival is Chuck Sperry, coming all the way from San Francsco, representing Firehouse – certainly one of the leading rock posters design teams in the world today. Chuck Sperry is heavily influenced by comic art iconography,and was one of the editors of New York’s legendary World War 3 Illustrated magazine.

    From Lisbon, we have Rita Braga, a musician and cartoonist, who will perform live in concert and display not only her own comics, but also (for the first time ever taken from the private archives) cartoon works of her grandfather (Ruy Braga) and great-grandfather (Antonio Braga)!

    Andrea Plazzi, comic critic and editor from Bologna, is going to curate an exhibition of Cover Designs of Italian Comics Magazines from the 60s (which influenced many other comics publishing ventures, including Yugoslav ones). It definitely was one of the most exciting periods of Italian and European comics.

    Also on display will be an exhibition of works inspired by Walt Disney creations, produced (mostly by local artists) in Central and Eastern Europe in the years before the Cold War.This unique material will be presented, probably for the first time, in an overview by Didier Ghez, a popular culture reasercher and collector of vintage Disneyana from Paris. Ghez is currently employed by Walt Disney Company in Madrid.

    GRRR! also covers the inland scene – in addition to the series of exhibitions dedicated to the history of comics in Serbia, Zdravko Zupan will curate an exhibition in The Backyard Gallery, titled „Comics in Serbia 1972-1975”, presenting original editions and artworks from the era.

    Exclusivelly presented in this festival, will be original pages of „Dikan” comics, created since 1969 by Lazar Sredanovic. Dikan is a true local hero – generations of readers of Politikin Zabavnik ( kids magazine originated in 1939, and still in circulation) grew up reading this comic about Ancient Slavic people, who suspiciously resemble present day Balkanoids.
    The panel discussion about comics publishing in different parts of Europe will be joined by Omar Martini, the owner of Black Velvet publishing house from Bologna, and Adam Halmos, representative of Art Comix from Budapest.

    Among the slide presentations this year there is „Comix Files – Where the Ninth Art and the Other Eight Arts Meet” by Giannis Koukoulas, editor of Athens’ Galera magazine. The second talk will be concentarted around the history of the (not yet well enough known) Hungarian comics scene. It’s going to be presented by Triceps, famous performance artist from Budapest, originally from Subotica in Northern Serbia.

    Also present at the festival is British autobiographical comics master Lee Kennedy, and a few other international cartoonists including Piero Macola, an Italian author recently living (and publishing) in Paris, Greek comics scriptwriter Dimitris Savvaidis, along with authors from Hungary ( Balazs Grof), Austria (Edda Strobl and Helmut Kaplan), and Slovenia ( Jakob Klemencic and David Krancan).

    A separate show will be dedicated to a magazine from Ljubljana, Stripburger, and their project „Honey Talks!”, which links the tradition of 19th Century’s Slovenian painted beehives with contemporary productions by some of the most interesting authors on the international independent scene.

    This year’s GRRR! will be adorned by few unique exhibitions including „Home Made Magazines in Serbia”, which will show some of the fanzines and single-copy home editions, from1926 to present. Plus, an exhibition dedicated to products found in Serbia, inspired by Walt Disney stuff (mostly by anonymous creators), including vintage rarities such as embroideries made in 1930s, depicting Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

    As in previous years, the festival will bring together many cartoonists from Serbia, too, including a „big promise” of the Serbian comics scene, Maja Veselinovic, who will exhibit her work in the legendary Pastry Shop Popovic. As part of the GRRR! Additional program, New York theremin player Dorit Chrysler will perform live at a club called Arhiv. At the same place, an exhibition of drawings inspired by Dorit and her music will present a selection of cartoonists from several countries.

    The festival will conclude with an excursion to Deliblatska Pescara, where many people from the area traditionally gather for the picnic on Labour’s Day and where an exhibition by Mr Spiral will mark an end of his 5 year-long project of exhibiting comics at the shoe shop where he used to work. Also, Pancevo’s scene will represent itself through the comics-poster Silent Wall, and a compilation of local bands titled Black Spot.

    Additional Program includes an event at the club named Studio 21, where underground music label Radioaktivno will present the music of the local bands (usually very closely collaborating with underground cartoonists as well).


    Saturday, April 29th
    Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pan?evo, Trg Kralja Petra Prvog 8
    RITA BRAGA + Antonio Braga, Ruy Braga (Portugal)
    PIERO MACOLA (Italy/France)
    GROF BALAZS (Hungary)
    Independent comics publishers/collectives/magazines
    BLACK VELVET (Italy)
    GALERA ( Greece)
    TONTO COMICS (Austria )
    ART COMIX (Hungary)
    HONEY TALKS! – Stripburger exhibition (Slovenia)
    Foaje CZK / Foyer of CZK Vojvode Živojina Mi?i?a (Ex Narodnog Fronta) 4
    Prostor Ispod Scene CZK / Under the Stage of CZK Vojvode Živojina Mi?i?a (Ex Narodnog Fronta) 4
    Galerija Dvori?te / Backyard Gallery Vojvode Radomira Putnika 7 (ex JNA)
    COMICS IN SERBIA 1972 –1975 (Curator Zdravko Zupan)
    Radionica studija CZK / Studio Workshop CZK Vojvode Radomira Putnika 7 (ex JNA)
    Stara autobuska stanica / Old Bus Station At the intersection of Nikola Tesla Street and Kej Radomira Daki?a

    Scena CZK / CZK – The Stage Vojvode Živojina Mi?i?a ( Ex Narodnog Fronta) 4
    Concert: RITA BRAGA (Portugal)

    Scena CZK / The Stage Vojvode Živojina Mi?i?a 4
    Panel with guests of the festival

    ARHIV Nemanjina 7
    Concert: DORIT CHRYSLER (USA) (+ opening act: DOBAR ?OVEK I PAIN KILLER)

    Sunday, April 30th
    – 15h
    Scena CZK / The Stage
    100 YEARS OF COMICS IN HUNGARY A Slide Presentation by TRICEPS

    Poslasti?arnica Popovi? / Pastry shop Popovi? Vojvode Radomira Putnika 5 (ex JNA)
    Exhibition opening: COMICS BY MAJA VESELINOVI?

    ART Club Vojvode Živojina Mi?i?a 4
    Studio 21 Petra Drap?ina 2
    RADIOAKTIVNO – presentation of a label, exhibition of comics, projection of video clips, concerts by TUBA?IN, NUP, WEIRDCOP

    Monday May 1st.
    GRRR! Excursion leaving Pan?evo by bus at 12h
    Comics Exhibition dedicated to 5th Anniversary of Mr Spiral’s Exposition of Comics at the Shoe Shop + Presentation of a Black Spot a compilation CD of local bands from Pancevo

    #2032 Răspunde

    (remarcati si intampinarea in romaneste!)
    22aediçao do Sobreda BD
    Nota de Abertura
    Nesta nossa 22aEdiçao…
    Bem-vindos! Bienvenus! Bienvenidos! Bine A?í Venit! Benvenuti! Dobrodo?li! Welcome!
    Pelo o nosso caminho, temos tido belas glórias e também, lágrimas e sorrisos…nao é nada leve e fácil construir este maravilhoso „templo” em honra da 9aArte, em honra da Cultura. Sobretudo no nosso Portugal cada vez mais desnorteado e seduzido em absoluto por „futebóis”…Neste ano, deviamos estar a festejar as nossas „bodas de prata” ou seja, a nossa 25aediçao, mas aconteceram tres pontuais „trambolhoes” e cá vamos ainda na 22aediçao. Mas, continuamos!
    Tomara o GBS que as Entidades Oficiais tivessem a feliz sensibilidade para o nosso esforço para tao digna Arte!…E já nem nos vale a pena batermos aporta do Ministério da Cultura ou da Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, pois sabemos bem o que estas „casas” gastam…
    Nesta ediçao/2006, o GBS faz pausa no sector „País de Honra”, mas estreia a Croácia no nosso certame. Também adiámos o eventual concurso BD para outra data mais específica.
    Em contra partida, temos tres artístas de luxo homenageados: Isabel Lobinho, Sergei e a francesa Annie Goetzinger. E também pela primeira vez, há o Troféu Sobredao para uma editora-BD, que é atribuído abelga Éditions du Lombard, que este ano festeja os 60 anos de existencia.
    E também contamos com a presença, como convidados especiais de dois jovens franceses luso-descendentes, que sao, Cyril Pedrosa e David Cerqueira.
    A todos, artístas e público, muito obrigado pelas vossas presenças, compreençao, carinho e estimulo.
    De 20 a 28 de Maio / 2006
    (entrada livre)
    Dia 20 (Sábado) – Abertura informal a14 horas. Encerra a19 horas.
    Dia 21 (Domingo) – Das 14 a17:30 horas.
    Encerrado: Dias 22 (2afeira) e 23 (3afeira).
    Dias 24 (4afeira), 25 (5afeira) e 26 (6afeira): das 10 a12 horas e das 14 a17:30 horas.
    Dia 27 (Sábado) – Das 10 h a12 h. Reabertura a14 horas. Sessao solene de encerramento a15:30 horas, com a presença de Maria Emília Sousa, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Almada. Entrega de diversos Diplomas de Honra e dos Troféu Sobredao aos artístas Isabel Lobinho, Sergei, afrancesa Annie Goetzinger e ao representante das Editíons du Lombard (Bélgica). Sessoes programadas de autógrafos. Encerra a20 horas.
    Dia 28 (Domingo) – Último dia! Abertura a14 horas. Sessao livre de autógrafos. Encerra a17:30 horas.
    Transportes Fertagus: quem usar este comboio no sentido Lisboa – Setúbal ou Setúbal – Lisboa, sai na estaçao do Pragal (Almada), onde apanha autocarro (1P) da mesma companhia, directo para a Sobreda e com paragem muito perto do Solar dos Zagallos.
    Contactos telefónicos:
    Solar dos Zagallos: 21 294 70 00
    J. Freguesia de Sobreda: 21 294 66 34
    Nota: Programa sujeito a alteraçoes por motivos de imprevistos.

    #2033 Răspunde

    Salon de la Bande Dessinée et des Arts Graphiques de Roubaix

    The first ever “Salon de la Bande Dessinée et des Arts Graphiques ” (Comic and Graphic Arts Convention) is coming up!! It will be held in the city of Roubaix during the French national comic festival which takes place from the 29th May to the 5th June this year. Our salon promises to become an inescapable appointment with all the comics fans in France, Belgium or even more other countries.
    Our website:
    The salon will be present during 3 days .Here are the events to keep an eye out:
    The 2nd of June, introduction of the salon will be held at Museum La Piscine (Art and Industrial Museum) in Roubaix. A conference in the theme of “the world of graphic arts, from the sketch to the diversion of literary genres” will be given by Eric Hérenguel and François Boucq. The seats are limited, for reservation, please send an email to

    The 3rd and 4th of June the Salon will be open to the public at Condition Publique, 4 themes as follows:

    – Discovery of the Comic world: Meeting with authors, introductions of albums and open discussions with the public.

    – Exhibitions: There will be displays of the creation of Comics, from the sketchbook to the printing house, video games, fashion design and all other sorts of art related disciplines.

    – Conferences and Discussions: Scriptwriters, cartoonists and printers will be available to the public for questioning.

    – Training area: Graphic schools will introduce their courses and Manpower, an employment agency will be available for questioning of the public and perhaps opportunities in this field.
    A special evening will be organized in the movie theatre Duplexe on Saturday the 3rd June, at 18h45. The public is invited to share their impression with the group Renaissance after watching the movie as well as the making-of. Seats are limited, the sale of tickets starts the 31st May at Duplexe.
    Prizes will be handed out to the best “First Comics Album”: 7 young authors in competition have been examined by a selected jury with Eric Hérenguel as the president. A cash prize of 2000 euros will be awarded to a lucky person at 15:00 on Sunday.
    Conviviality, originality, creativity and savoir-faire are the keys words of our event and the “Salon de la Bd et des Arts Graphiques” promises to become a yearly appointment with the Roubaisiens!!
    Salon de la Bande Dessinée et des Arts Graphiques de Roubaix, the 2nd ,3rd and 4th June. For all information :

    #2034 Răspunde


    Le 2, 3 et 4 juin prochain Roubaix verra naître sa premiere édition du salon de la Bande dessinée et du graphisme. Cette premiere édition se place sous le signe de la diversité culturelle puisque ses objectifs sont de permettre aux auteurs et a leur public de se rencontrer mais également de présenter tous les métiers liés a l’univers de la BD et des Arts graphiques.
    Au-dela de la réussite de ce salon organisé par: Le Lions club, le Furet du Nord et la Ville de Roubaix, et dont la figure de proue et parrain pour cette année est Eric HERENGUEL (dessinateur et scénariste chez VENTS D’OUEST, GLENAT et ZENDA) , cette manifestation développe son action de promotion de la BD ainsi que des différents métiers liés aux Arts Graphiques. Elle permet de faire connaître de nouveaux auteurs, de renforcer la notoriété des plus anciens en réaffirmant l’attention portée a la rencontre, au dialogue et a la découverte. De nombreux auteurs ont déja répondu présent.
    Deux temps forts vont marquer ce salon :
    L’inauguration au Musée de la piscine a Roubaix le 2 juin, en compagnie de la presse et des différents organisateurs. Cette inauguration prend la forme d’une projection d’un film d’animation et de discussions / débats sur la BD et les Arts graphiques en compagnie de notre Parrain Eric Herenguel.
    Le salon a la Condition Publique le 3 et 4 juin : il se décompose en 4 themes principaux :
    • Découverte de l’univers de la BD : rencontre avec des auteurs, présentation des albums et dialogue avec le public autour de leur métier et de leurs œuvres
    (pages 9 a 14 ).
    • Expositions : pour mieux comprendre l’univers de la BD et des Arts graphiques, des expositions seront mise en place. Exposition sur la création d’une BD (du croquis a l’album chez les libraires), exposition de la création d’une BD a partir de faits historiques réels exposition sur la création d’un jeu vidéo, impression numérique sur textile, stylisme, caricatures (page 15 )…
    • Conférences et débats : scénaristes, dessinateurs, imprimeurs auront tous la possibilité de présenter leurs métiers et de dialoguer avec le public grâce a l’organisation de conférences et de débats. (page 16)
    • Espace formations: présentation des différentes formations touchant aux Arts graphiques et présence d’une agence pour l’emploi spécialisée dans ce domaine afin d’exposer les débouchés de ces formations, les types d’emplois proposés…
    Tout au long de cette édition un jury désignera le meilleur” premier album” BD de l’année.
    Accueil convivial, originalité, créativité et savoir faire sur le theme de la rencontre et de la découverte, ce salon promet de devenir le rendez vous annuel des Roubaisiens !
    Horaires du salon:
    Vendredi 2 juin Musée de la piscine Roubaix: Inauguration
    Samedi 3 juin 2006 a la Condition Publique a Roubaix : 10h00 – 18h00
    Dimanche 4 juin 2006 a la Condition Publique a Roubaix : 11h00 – 17h00
    Remise du prix du meilleur auteur “premier album” le dimanche a 15h

    #2035 Răspunde

    [Terminal00] International Balkan Art Festival in Ljubljana
    Deadline: May 31, 2006

    The magic word is [Terminal00] and behind it we find the Slovenian Association for the Promotion of Visual Culture, which organizes an International Balkan Art Festival to be held in September 27-30, 2006 in Ljubljana. Young artists -up to 30 years of age, who are living and working in the Balkan area and are active in cultural and artistic fields such as video/film/animation, photography, fine arts, music and the club-culture- whose work expresses or emphasizes the Balkan identity, are called to submit their applications up until the 31st of May 2006.

    [Terminal00] is based upon the collaboration, integration and interpolation of both traditional and contemporary Southeastern European cultures, various cultural and artistic institutions and other media organizations.

    The central aim of the festival is to create conditions enabling young artists to work, create and promote their work, while also encouraging free artistic expressions, a constant flow of fresh ideas and the promotion of intellectual and cultural identities of the Balkans.

    All applicants to [Terminal00] release the rights to have their work presented in any form for the purpose of the promotion of the festival.

    The organizers of the festival cover all costs of participation, accommodation and meals, but travel expenses should be covered by the applicants (should an applicant be unable to cover these expenses, organizers can help find suitable sponsors).

    The selection of the applicants who will participate in the festival depends on the choice of the jury, whose members can be found in the webpage .

    Terminal00 will award the grand prize to the most promising artist.

    The organizer will take measures to ensure the greatest possible care of the works received but cannot be held liable for lost works or those that will arrive damaged. Personal data to third parties will not be released, but will be used only for purposes of handling the applications.

    festival [Terminal00] is organised by association for the promotion of visual culture [dru?tvo za promocijo vizualne kulture] founded in july 2005.
    association for the promotion of visual culture
    festival office [Terminal00].
    levstikova ulica 003
    SI-1000 ljubljana
    mobile: +386 40 626 350
    president: piera ravnikar
    bank account number: 02010 0254661632 [NLB]
    tax number: SI48168521
    registry number: 1955322

    organising team :: piera ravnikar
    balkanart festival director
    :: nina tomasovi?
    programme coordinator

    when expressions of art eagerly prance the streets, stopping only to tantalise you with sentiments and emotions that feed your soul and spirit.

    the international balkanart festival [Terminal00] refer to a meeting point for young balkan artists who reign in the creation of a unique cultural space and offer to imprint balkan art works in the context of a bustling and vibrant street gallery in central ljubljana.

    an expert jury of acknowledged international artists, select from the best of many, an array of winning artworks, to be displayed at the merry festival grounds. the international competition not only enhances the artistic value of works exhibited, but also provides our young balkan performers an opportunity to bask in the limelight of the keen public eye.

    [Terminal00] offers the stage that stimulates the expressions of the young artists and provides a deserving platform to conceive, create and promote their artworks through south-eastern europe. the festival rests upon spontaneity and unique artistic sensibility, inspiring a continuous breath of new ideas to the distinct balkan cultural identity. blending traditional south-eastern culture and contemporary urban culture, the festival aims to mould the foundation towards a common future, sparkling with the glittering hues of the eastern and western spheres of life.

    with a view to sharpen the public’s awareness of the balkan’s distinct culture and art, [Terminal00] wishes to share and highlight the common cultural heritage of its people, hoping to simultaneously topple the stereotype of balkan instability in the region.

    extending over a period of four days, the the festival, comprising of free events for everyone to relish and bask in, will present itself in a potpourri of events from exhibitions, displaying photographs and images, to balkan-tinted jazz and ethno improvisations, performances of contemporary dance and theatre as well as a round table discussion on the ‘contemporary balkan art’. [terminal00] warmly extends its arms to receive enthusiastic participants to make this event a spirited success.

    #2036 Răspunde

    Cel mai important eveniment international, pana la sfarsitul acestui an, din domeniul imaginarului, utopiei, science-fictionului si fantasticului – se va desfasura la Nantes, Vestul Frantei, intre 2 si 5 noiembrie 2006.
    „UTOPIALES”, editia a saptea, va avea loc in orasul lui Jules Verne, sub titulatura „Invaders from Marx!” sau „L’invasion vient de Marx!”, asadar din Marx, si nu din Marte, un „jeu de mots” care ne duce cu gandul la faptul ca „vechii europeni occidentali”, dupa ce i-au privit pe noii lor colegi de apartament… european sub forma temutului „instalator polonez”, acum ii privesc ca pe niste extraterestri care ii invadeaza, venind nu din Marte, ci din Marx, adica din utopica ideologie marxista.
    Nasul, fondatorul si organizatorul principal, an de an, al acestei manifestari este nimeni altul decat dl Bruno Della Chiesa, manager OECD sau OCDE, aceste initiale insemnand, dupa cum stiti, Organizatia pentru Cooperare si Dezvoltare Economica, cunoscuta organizatie internationala care grupeaza cele mai dezvoltate tari ale lumii, cele care accepta principiile democratiei reprezentative si a economiei de piata libere.
    In cadrul CERI, Centrul pentru Cercetari in Domeniul Educatiei, d-l Bruno Della Chiesa se ocupa in mod particular de „Stiintele Invatarii si Cercetari ale Creierului”.
    Dar sa ne intoarcem la Festivalul International „UTOPALES”, fondat de Bruno Della Chiesa – care va avea mai multe sectiuni: film, literatura, arte plastice, B.D., animatie, jeux de roles, stiinta si noile tehnologii.
    Tema aleasa in acest an, cand, practic, se va incheia, cel putin pentru cativa ani buni, reunificarea europeana pe deasupra vechii „Cortine de fier”, este, asa cum am spus: „Invazia vine din Marx”, ceea ce anunta un voiaj pasionant in istoria culturii SF din vechiul bloc rasaritean.
    Dintre ateliere: culisele fabricarii decorului si personajelor in noile sau vechile filme science fiction; „Limitele sunetului” – o seara literara si muzicala de exceptie, organizata de „Lieu unique”; o reprezentatie de „Chess Boxing”, un sport hibrid care chiar combina, in mod paradoxal, sahul si boxul. Conceptul a fost imaginat de catre celebrul grafician si creator de Benzi Desenate, Enki Bilal, in 1992. Mens sana in corpore sano, ori o noua nazbatie a cuiva pe care televizorul si internetul il plictisesc?
    Un concurs de scurt-metraje va avea laureatul sau, recompensat cu „Melies d’Or”, marele premiu, pentru cel mai bun scurt-metraj european de fantastic si science-fiction. O „seara absurda”, o seara „retro-futurista” (imaginarul popular in tarile fostului bloc estic) – vor face si ele parte din program.
    Intre Stiinta si Fictiune: Vom putea avea acces maine la puterile rezervate pana acum doar lui Superman? Evolutia stiintelor si tehnologiilor o va arata.
    Invitat de onoare al Festivalului, Kim Stanley Robinson – un binecunoscut explorator al imaginarului martian („Trilogia martiana”). Alaturi de „martianul” Robinson, asa cum scrie in programul literarar, vor fi „adepti ai magiei negre ai erei tehnologice”, precum Christopher Priest sau Kirsten Bishop, ori rebeli care au cosmare cu Marx: Norman Spinrad, Roland Wagner sau Lucian Merisca. Alti importanti scriitori care sunt invitati: Philippe Curval, Brian Aldiss, Cory Doctorow, Lucius Shepard, James Morrow.
    In Salonul Cartii si al Benzii Desenate – vor fi expuse peste 25.000 de opere, reprezentand toate editurile interesate sa participe, de pe tot mapamondul.
    Invadand in intregime „Cite des Congres” din Nantes, mai multe expozitii vor revela extensia imaginarului SF in zonele cele mai diverse ale creatiei: ilustratie, BD, manga, sculptura, video, opera conceptuala sau multimedia.
    Dupa cum se stie, science-fiction-ul a ignorat frontierele, a difuzat din sub-cult, in cultura si in cotidian, a „contaminat” toate mediile si a dat de lucru tuturor reprezentarilor, de la cea pur estetica, la cea pur didactica. Astfel, vizitatorii din noiembrie ai „Utopialelor” de pe tarmul Atlanticului, vor putea sa-si faca o idee asupra super-puterilor pe care le vom avea cu totii maine, vor descoperi viziunea chinezeasca asupra cuceririi spatiale, vor gasi metafore si raspunsuri in jocuri de roluri sau vor asista la demonstratii reale de robotica.
    A bientot, dans l’Avenir!
    Adaptare dupa

    #2037 Răspunde

    Cycle de conférences
    Bande dessinée et dessin de presse
    Université de Geneve
    de décembre 2006 a avril 2007


    Ce cycle de conférences propose un regard critique la ou se joue une partie du destin culturel de notre rapport a l’image. Ni la presse ni l’édition de livres dessinés n’échappent a l’influence des discours économiques. L’augmentation croissante de l’édition de bandes dessinées et la cohabitation parfois difficile du dessin de presse avec la liberté d’expression invitent a porter une attention soutenue sur ces deux expressions artistiques.

    Les littératures dessinées occupent une place majeure dans la culture européenne et dans le monde francophone en particulier : d’un côté une tradition franco-belge déterminante et d’un autre la perméabilité de ces récits aux autres cultures, comics, mangas japonais ou manwhas coréens, en progression remarquable. Il importe donc de situer les discours sur la bande dessinée en apportant l’éclairage indispensable de chercheurs de tous horizons.
    Interroger le dessin de presse, c’est retracer son histoire, retrouver ses conditions premieres mais aussi le confronter a l’actualité. Quelles sont les contraintes et les libertés du dessin de presse aujourd’hui? A quelles réalités est-il opposé ?

    L’Université présente une réflexion novatrice sur ces questions a travers 13 conférences et tables rondes.


    Approfondir ses connaissances sur les littératures dessinées a partir d’une approche pluridisciplinaire

    Comprendre les spécificités techniques, esthétiques, économiques et sociales de la bande dessinée et du dessin de presse ainsi que leurs enjeux culturels

    Proposer des outils d’analyse et des perspectives nouvelles pour penser le rapport entre texte et image


    Toute personne intéressée par le rapport entre l’image et le texte (bande dessinée, dessin de presse, livres illustrés,…)

    Auteur, éditeur, libraire, journaliste, dessinateur de presse, publicitaire, enseignant, curateur d’exposition, métiers liés aux livres

    Acteur culturel impliqué dans l’organisation d’événements liés a la bande dessinée (festivals, expositions, ateliers,…)
    Responsable de projets socio-pédagogiques impliquant la narration visuelle dans un but pédagogique, de prévention, de communication et d’enseignement

    Conférences organisées par le Service formation continue de l’Université de Geneve dans le cadre du 10e Prix de la ville de Geneve pour la bande dessinée
    en collaboration avec La Galerie Papiers Gras et Les activités culturelles de l’Université de Geneve


    Toutes les conférences ont lieu le mercredi, a Uni-Mail.

    6 décembre
    Salle R080 Qu’est-ce qu’un éditeur de bande dessinée ?
    Thierry BELLEFROID, auteur et critique de bande dessinée, auteur de Les éditeurs de bande dessinée (Niffle) Entrée libre
    17 janvier
    Salle R290 Strip, planche, album: les territoires des littératures dessinées
    Harry MORGAN, auteur, dessinateur et théoricien de la bande dessinée
    24 janvier
    Salle R290 La bande dessinée au secours de la pédagogie et de la prévention
    Table ronde avec:
    Thierry BARRIGUE, journaliste et dessinateur
    Roland MARGUERON, galeriste, libraire et curateur d’expositions
    Hermogene TOIHEN, juriste et scénariste
    Luc WILHELM, La main tendue vaudoise
    31 janvier
    Salle R290 Préface a une véritable histoire de la bande dessinée
    Benoît PEETERS, scénariste, écrivain et historien de la bande dessinée

    Salle R290 Les handicaps symboliques de la bande dessinée: légitimités et exclusions
    Thierry GROENSTEEN, éditeur critique
    21 février
    Salle R290 Archéologie et bandes dessinées: de la connaissance a l’imaginaire
    Alain GALLAY, Pr honoraire d’archéologie, Université de Geneve
    28 février
    Salle R290 Comics américains: de la presse a la librairie
    Jean-Marc LAINÉ, éditeur et scénariste

    7 mars
    Salle R290 Les mangas: une nouvelle littérature populaire
    Julien BASTIDE, critique, auteur du Guide des mangas (Bordas), participe a l’organisation du Festival international de la bande dessinée d’Angouleme
    14 mars
    Salle R290 Erotisme et bande dessinée
    Pierre Yves LADOR, écrivain, auteur de L’étang et les spasmes dans la bande dessinée (Castagniééé)
    21 mars
    Salle R290 Histoire de la caricature
    Philippe KAENEL, Pr d’histoire de l’art, Université de Lausanne
    28 mars
    Salle R290 Daumier, ou comment la caricature entre dans l’histoire de l’art
    Michel MELOT, conservateur général des bibliotheques de Paris
    18 avril
    Salle R290 Le dessin dans la presse
    Martial LEITER, artiste et dessinateur de presse
    25 avril
    Salle R290 Dessin de presse et liberté d’expression
    Table ronde avec:
    Patrick CHAPPATTE, dessinateur de presse
    Alfred FERNANDEZ, coprésident de l’Université d’été des droits de l’homme et du droit a l’éducation (UEDH) / College universitaire Henry Dunant (CuDH)
    Gérald HERRMANN, dessinateur de presse
    MIX & REMIX, dessinateurs de presse

    #2038 Răspunde

    En prélude au Festival proprement dit, voici un premier tour d’horizon, encore incomplet, des animations et rendez-vous de janvier prochain.

    Exposition Universelle de la bande dessinée – Volet 1
    Pour la premiere fois, une exploration planétaire et prospective de la création en bande dessinée et une mise en évidence de la dimension universelle de cette nouvelle world culture. Cette sélection d’auteurs de tous horizons se développera sur plusieurs années.

    Le monde de Kid Paddle
    Une grande expo-spectacle tournée vers les jeunes lecteurs, pour s’immerger dans l’univers de Kid Paddle. Des surprises et des expériences inédites en cascade, pour découvrir cet univers “de l’intérieur” aux côtés du célebre héros de Midam.

    Espace Hergé
    Le 22 mai 2007, le créateur de Tintin aurait eu 100 ans. A l’occasion de ce centenaire, le Festival propose une grande évocation du dessinateur et de son héritage artistique, a travers des rencontres et une exposition inédite.

    Espace Manga : en prise directe avec la création made in Asia
    Projections, rencontres, conférences, événements, goodies : quatre jours d’animations et de rendez-vous autour de l’actualité du manga et des bandes dessinées asiatiques. Surprises garanties !

    Concerts de dessins
    Une histoire dessinée sur grand écran, live, en musique et en public, par des auteurs renommés : ce spectacle exceptionnel, auquel le public fait un triomphe à chaque représentation, bénéficie d’une nouvelle partition d’Areski Belkacem. Les Concerts de dessins, c’est au Festival d’Angouleme et nulle part ailleurs !

    Les 7 merveilles de la bande dessinée avec Lewis Trondheim
    Une exposition-gag supervisée par Lewis Trondheim. Le président du jury du Festival 2007, entouré de ses amis, y rend hommage à la bande dessinée sous toutes ses formes, en sept tableaux ironiques et jubilatoires.

    Les Rencontres internationales
    Comme chaque année, un prestigieux plateau d’auteurs invités par le Festival dialoguent avec le public et témoignent de leur travail de création. Avec (sous réserves) : Gilbert Hernandez (Etats-Unis), Alessandro Barbucci et Barbara Canepa (Italie), Didier Comes (Belgique), He You Zhi (Chine), Sergio Toppi (Italie), Frydman et Touis (France), etc.

    Sélection officielle
    Le meilleur de la bande dessinée 2006
    Les meilleurs albums de l’année écoulée, en compétition pour les Prix du Festival, présentés au public dans un environnement convivial. L’ensemble de la Sélection officielle est disponible dans un espace de lecture ouvert à tous.

    Création contemporaine et bande dessinée : Bernard Pras
    La bande dessinée est l’une des sources d’inspiration du plasticien Bernard Pras, qui navigue entre Arcimboldo et le pop-art. Pour le Festival, il rend un hommage inédit a l’une des figures populaires du panthéon des super-héros : Captain America !

    Pierre Christin et “Valérian »
    Le célebre scénariste Pierre Christin revient sur l’influence de l’actualité contemporaine sur les récits SF de sa série Valérian, dans un film-documentaire inédit co-produit par le Festival. Et, au théâtre, sa nouvelle héroine Lena, créée avec André Juillard, est mise en musique dans un spectacle inédit…

    Jim Woodring
    La révélation du 34e Festival : entre psychédélisme et cartoon, acid-comic et merveilleux, une immersion dans l’oeuvre surprenante de l’Américain Jim Woodring, encore tres peu connue en Europe. Enchanteur et enthousiasmant !

    La plus grande librairie de bande dessinée du monde
    Pour la premiere fois dans l’histoire du Festival, toute l’offre de bande dessinée est réunie dans un meme espace de plus de 10.000 metres carrés. Stands d’éditeurs, bande dessinée alternative, produits dérivés se sont réunis pour composer… la plus grande librairie de bande dessinée du monde !

Vizualizare 15 articole - 1 la 15 (din 72 în total)
Răspunde la: Concursuri, festivaluri…
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