• Acest subiect are 145 de răspunsuri, 11 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum o oră, 15 minute de jillianzd5.
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  • #1673 Răspunde

    Va anunt cu bucurie ca faceti parte din expozitia I AM NOT LEGEND
    Romanian Comics look back at New York City – inspirata de istoria benzii desenate romaneti. Organizata de ICR New York pe 7 mai in cadrul Festival of Ideas for a New City organizat de New Museum si pe 10 mai expozitia se va muta la sediul ICR. Expozitia este o instalatie care combina printul cu proiectia video.
    Sa ne auzim cu bine,

    Detalii pe

    Alexandru Ciubotariu

    7-19 mai 2022

    Romanian Comics look back at New York City

    The Romanian Cultural Institute in New York is pleased to join the Festival of Ideas for a New City to present, on May 7, a special installation highlighting Romanian comics and cartoons from 1890 until today. Come and witness not only the explosion of the genre after 1989, but also the New York and American influences on Romanian creativity. In the current interconnected world, can these practices mirror and inform back those in a city like New York?

    The installation is curated by visual artist Alexandru Ciubotariu, and is based on The History of Romanian Comics 1981-2010, recently published by Vellant Publishing Bucharest, which Ciubotariu co-edited. On show will be works by both established artists such as Sandu Florea, Puiu Manu, or Livia Rusz, and young cartoonists that have taken the genre to a new level in the past decade, such as Matei Branea, Adrian Barbu, Alexandru Ciubotariu, Veronica Solomon or Jup.

    A passionate comics artist, Ciubotariu will animate the installation and engage in conversation with the visitors. He will also take part on May 10, together with NYC-based Sandu Florea, to an associate event hosted by RCINY, to tell more about Romanian comics of past and present, and what it means to be a cartoonist in contemporary Romania.

    The Festival of Ideas for a New City, presented by the New Museum, explores from May 4-8, with over 200 projects, questions such as: What makes the city worth living in? What can each of us do to contribute to a healthy, diverse, equitable, tolerant, innovative and fun place to live? Above all, how are the creative arts crucial to this and how can they move conversation forward? RCINY is pleased to join the conversation and offer a different perspective on the role of emerging arts in the fast changing urban landscape that defines many Eastern European countries today.

    #1674 Răspunde

    About Romanian Comics of Past and Present, and Being a Cartoonist in Contemporary Romania
    A conversation with Alexandru Ciubotariu moderated by Corina Şuteu.
    Special Guest: Sandu Florea

    Did you miss I AM NOT LEGEND, the special installation highlighting Romanian comics and cartoons from 1890 until today, presented on May 7 in the framework for The Festival of Ideas for a New City? Do you want to learn more the Romanian comics of past and present, about the explosion of the genre after 1989, and what it means to be a cartoonist in contemporary Romania?

    Join us at RCINY for a conversation with Alexandru Ciubotariu, one of the leading agents of the current resurgence and expansion of the genre in Romania. Ciubotariu is also the co-author of The History of Romanian Comics 1981-2010, recently published by Vellant Publishing Bucharest, the sole publication of its kind in the country, and curator of the installation, who will remain on view at RCINY – Auditorium until July 30.

    Sandu Florea is an American – Romanian artist living in New York, who has developed for the past 20 years diverse collaborations with comics magazines and publishers such as Marvel, DC Comics or Dark Horse, created storyboards and other graphics for the motion picture producers Full Moon, as well as book illustrations for The Princeton Review. Sandu Florea’s creations for Marvel include The Amazing Spider-Man and the various spin-offs of Avengers, Blackwulf, Elektra, Mighty Thor, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four and X-Men. He also worked with DC Comics (on Superman Second Series, Batman, Justice Society of America, Nightwing) and Dark Horse. Among the significant miniseries to which he contributed as an inker are X-Men: The End (2004–2006), Batman R.I.P. (2008), and Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2009).

    TUE, May 10, 7:30 pm

    Installation on view through July 30
    Romanian Cultural Institute in New York
    200 East 38th St., at 3rd Avenue, NYC 10016


    Associated Event:
    May 7: I AM NOT LEGEND
    Romanian Comics look back at New York City

    #1675 Răspunde

    Inainte inca de a incepe intalnirea de la New York, avem ecouri de presa in tara :mrgreen:

    Banda Desenată Craioveană la New York

    Proiectul Istoria Benzii Desenate Româneşti, în organizarea Institutului Cultural Român, îşi începe aventura internaţională la New York, pe 7 mai a.c. „I AM NOT LEGEND Romanian Comics look back at New York City” este titlul instalaţiei de print şi video care va cuprinde aproape toţi artiştii care au făcut BD în România. Printre ei, cum ar fi putut fi altfel?, şi artiştii craioveni. Marian Mirescu vorbeşte în rândurile următoare despre gruparea cunoscută sub titulatura de Banda Desenată Craioveană şi despre naşterea unei pasiuni.

    de Viorel Pirligras

    #1676 Răspunde

    Ecourile New-yorkeze mai razbat inca prin Craiova, prin grija lui Viorel Pirligras: acum si in e-ziarul Ora de Dolj:

    Daca se mai intreaba cineva de ce: Banda Desenata Craioveana (si prietenii) este bine reprezentata la aceasta intamplare culturala, cu planse transferate pe panze atarnate intr-un demisol industrial-EastCoast-artsy si fitze-less 😆
    Cam asta este impresia si introspectia…dupa primele imagini de acolo.
    Revenim cu poze 😉

    din filmul postat pe Site-ul Oficial al lui Sandu Florea:

    #1677 Răspunde

    …Intre timp, in tara, mai apare un album al… tireless-ului :mrgreen: Mihai Grajdeanu, pe un scenariu scris impreuna cu Felix Crainicu, parca din piatra seaca: volumul I “Piatra Sacra” dintr-o serie intitulata “Legendele dacilor liberi”:

    Aerul de legenda al stramosilor daci se imbina perfect cu stilul Marvel al benzilor desenate semnate Mihai Grajdeanu iar scenariul de Felix Crainicu si Mihai Grajdeanu reda intocmai legendele culese de Cristi Ionita din muntii Bucegi. “Piatra Sacra” e doar prima dintr-o serie de legende transmise din generatie in generatie care cu siguranta te vor captiva atat prin firul epic intrigant cat si prin grafica exceptionala.

    Legendele Dacilor vol.1 “Piatra Sacra” poate fi comandat prin posta la adresa . Albumul de 60 de pagini, cu coperta cartonata si legatorie de lux costa numai 27lei, la care se adauga taxele postale (7lei).

    Mai multe detalii pe:

    #1678 Răspunde

    #1679 Răspunde

    In cel de-al doilea grupaj sunt incluse fragmente din doua lucrari apartinatoare Benzii Desenate Craiovene, ca argument pentru cele spuse mai sus.
    Am insa dubii asupra unor ipostaze, unde se pare ca s-a intervenit pentru elimina (Photoshop, pur si simplu) unele parti din fotografii.

    Vom cerceta si vom reveni cu dovezi irefutabile, daca banuielile noastre se adeveresc!

    #1680 Răspunde

    #1681 Răspunde

    La un loc, old school si neo-old school :mrgreen:


    In sfarsit, dupa atata manipulare si fatarnicie, adevarul virtual va iesi la iveala!
    Imagini uimitoare va vor fi puse la dispozitie despre evenimentul iREAL, demn de consemnat, care este in desfasurare, as we speak, la New York

    #1682 Răspunde

    #1683 Răspunde

    #1684 Răspunde

    HA HA HA… AH, BD:))
    BULA rules!!!

    #1685 Răspunde

    Inca nu stim de ce s-a numit “I AM NOT LEGEND”.

    Incifrat ni se pare si… subtitlul: Romanian Comics look back at New York City.

    Am transmis aceste nedumeriri plecatului nostru special acolo, BULA.

    #1686 Răspunde

    Nici numele de-aici, “Fiti in carti!”, nu se mai potriveste.
    Mai exact era “Fiti DIN carti” 🙂

    #1687 Răspunde

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