- Acest subiect are 27 de răspunsuri, 3 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 3 luni, 2 săptămâni de
ParticipantPana atunci sa prezentem „distributia”, o parte din protagonisti…
Aleksandar Uzelac in timp ce posta pe forumurile noastre
Si in Belgrad cinematografele s-au imputinat, sau si-au schimbat destinatia. „Bioskop” PARTIZAN, de exemplu, s-a reprofilat pe XXX. Aici e alt cinematograf. Am fost pe la vreo cinci. Opririle acolo fac parte din lista personala de must do.
…cu Cristi Pacurariu si Anca intr-un moment „istoric” din peregrinarile noastre kilometrice prin belgrad.DreamWave
…cu Miki Pješčić,
Editor Student Cultural Center Belgrade, Happy Gallery
care ne-a primit cu atata caldura( (& pivo)
Rufus, eu, Aleks, Predrag Mledanovic (http://www.predragphoto.com)
…cu Simon Vučković, MuntenegruDreamWave
Alksandar Sotirovski, Macedonia (FYROM), o alta cunostinta mai veche, despre care stiti deja de pe acest forum. Pe Aleksandar, ca si pe Simon i-am intalnit cu aceast ocazie pentru prima data.
Vladimir Abramovic, un ghid care i-a tinut locul lui Aleks pentru o jumatate de zi. O jumatate de zi in care am indeplinit planul pe o zi intreaga de obiective turistice atinse! VLADI, next year don’t make plans! I expect to find you there._Maxim
ParticipantObiectiv principal atins.
Orasul, cu poduri, blocuri-ziduri gri, periferii-fortarete, biserici, cinematografe, Sava, Dunare, insule, noul Belgrad, vechiul Belgrad, stenciluri politice, pivo, pjeskavica, ajvar…
Intr-un fotomontaj, curand:)_Maxim
Participant7th International Comics Showroom, Student Cultural Center Belgrade, Serbia, September 24th -27th, 2009
For seven years Belgrade Comics Salon (“International Comics Showroom”) attracts local and international media attention. Reason is obvious; it represents the most important internationally geared gathering for pros and fans of the comics strip medium in Serbia and other countries of former Yugoslavia.
This year, team that stood behind previous manifestations, curator Miki Pješčić and program managers Vladimir Vesović and Dejan Nikolaj Kraljačić, was reinforced with designers Predrag Mladenović and Bojana Maksimović, comics artist Bojan M. Đukić and A. Uzelac. Wholeheartedly supported by Student Cultural Center Belgrade, its director Slavoljub Veselinović in particular, and with the help of small, but efficient company of volunteers, enlarged „Showroom“ Team managed not only to continue, but to improve good reputation of the Salon.From September 24th to 27th, thousands of fans visited various exhibitions, lectures, promotions of international projects, book launches and other contents related to the Ninth art. Very popular part of the program was “Artists sketch for you” when eminent domestic authors and distinguished guests signed their comics and made drawings for the audience. For wider circle of comics lovers, of highest interest was marketplace with more than thirty domestic and international publishers and retailers who offered their new and antiquarian issues. Besides “old school” Marvel superheroes and Italian comics issued by Sergio Bonelli Editore (very popular in the ex-Yugoslavian region), true sensation among the visitors produced appearance of the first Serbian based Manga publishing company.
This year was also marked with important jubilees for Serbian comics scene – 70 years of Politikin Zabavnik magazine, family broadsheet who traditionally presents comics from all around the world; 40 years of Dikan, one of the most circulated domestic comics, who offered brilliant political and social satire to various generations of its readers; 10 years of internet journal Strip Vesti (“Comics News”) popular web-based comics stronghold of the Balkan region. All three anniversaries consisted important deal of the Salon program.However, one may argue that the most distinguished trait of the Salon is international comics contest. This year it attracted almost 300 contestants, more than ever before, with 248 entries from 27 countries. The quality of visual narrative offerings was tremendous – better than ever, of the highest standard. The Jury, composed of four prominent comics artists and one famed musician, has done this year’s judging effectively, with pride and without dilemmas or frictions.
On the evening of September 24th in the crowded Main Hall of Student Cultural Center prizes and awards of the Salon were presented. Writer Marian Mirescu and artist Christian Ioan Pacurariu from Romania won unanimously this year’s Grand Prix for their four-page achievement ’Dracula’; also Award for the Best Graphics. In all other categories there were no doubts whatsoever.
The most impressive were the juniors – ‘Young Lion(ess)’ Nevena Mitrović for her ‘Prince Marko’ gag-page and the most pleasant surprise of the year – seven years young Smiljana Erkić with her sweet innocent entry, ’Blici Eats Breakfast’. Generally speaking, this contest belonged to the creative ladies, including Bojana Dimitrovski for the best comic in traditional style ‘Tamas’ and Dragana Stojiljković for the best script provided for (Saša Arsenić drawn) 2-page comic ‘Morty’. There was more than one proof that girls are not disinterested in comics – not just as readers; they’re to be counted on as a significant creative force. Sponsors of the Salon also awarded some twenty most successful contestants from Serbia, Bulgaria and Hungary with valuable presents.
The most significant attendees of this year’s Salon were – Serbian Rajko Milošević – Gera (R. M. Guera) – extraordinary draftsman and blues guitar master now residing in Barcelona, Spain, who received Special recognition for contribution to Serbian comic; Rufus Dayglo from London, regular artist of “Tank girl” comic; and American Greg Cox, writer and concept author of Woodlands multimedia project with his main illustrator, Macedonian Aleksandar Sotirovski. Salon was also honoured with the presence of Croatian comics masters Alem Ćurin, Igor Kordey and Esad Ribić. There were also dear visitors from Bosnia and several other cities from Serbia too, like Branislav Kerac, Branko Plavšić, Sibin Slavković et.al.
Among many foreign guests we had our dear friend Bart Nauwelaerts helming the trio of Belgian visitors, sharing their comics con experiences with Serbian hosts.
In all, Seventh International Salon has proved its importance for the whole region and shown hope for further improvements and gaining significance on the much broader European level.
Bojan M. Đukić
& Aleksandar Uzelac_Maxim
ParticipantThis year contest presented a vast amount of highest quality art which inspired awe, in some cases envy and generally the pleasure of the best kind.
The winning entry instantly got the jury’s attention with powerful storytelling impact and craftsmanship of undeniable quality. Other entries made more or less similar impact on all Jury members following not their personal tastes, but the objective facts of the shown abilities in storytelling and visual presentation. So, the Jury made its choice – there was no doubt about decisions regarding the best script and art in several categories, including the „Young Lion” for children. It can be said that all decisions were practically unanimous thanks to the shown creativity and enthusiasm of most of the contestants. The manifestation attendees can relish in the splendid exhibition of comics incoming from 27 countries from all over the world.
The term describing the awarded and other exhibited entries can be „professionalism” and the Jury proudly announces its firm stance with pleasure and hope that comics art will continue its existence in contemporary Serbian and global culture.
Bojan M. Djukic, member of the Jury
Participantfilmuletze si poze si aici:
pe acest forum slavni scria:
„Marijan Miresku i Kristijan Joan Pakurariju iz Rumunije osvojili su sa svojim stripom „Drakula” glavnu nagradu Međunarodnog salona stripa koji je večeras otvoren u Studentskom kulturnom centru Beograda.”
iar amicul nostru AXLE (Dragan):
„Bravo za Mariana i Kristija,zasluzili su ovaj Grand prix…inace je prvonagradjeni strip Dracula pripremljen za antologiju Monstri(Monstrumi) koju Marian Mirescu-Maxim priprema vec izvesno vreme.On pise scenarije a mladi rumunski autori crtaju.Kristi Pakuraru radi uspesno za francuze i sjajan je crtac…ovo je inace i prvi put da glavna nagrada BG salona ne ide u ruke nekog iz ExYu prostora…meni je tim draze sto je otisla u Rumuniju…”Multumim si Hvala pentru felicitari, Dragane!
Sve čestitke! (spiderpig!)
Chestitam pobednicima.
Sada me interesuje to shto planiraju, ta antologija Monstri.
Systemovci, otkupite chim izadje. That’s an order! (Ivanssj4)Multumim si… La revedere!
ParticipantAxle, cine e Ivanssj4?
Dupa avatar, pare sa fie desenator. Este interesat sa contribuie la „Monstri”?
Ar fi interesant… 😀
Am vorbit cu Bojana, castigatoare premiului pentru BD clasic, iar ea mi-a promis niste concepte pentru unul dintre scenarii.
Pana acum, atat in ceea ce priveste colaborarea cu artistii sarbi.
Pe partea de documentare, un sprijin important il am din partea lui Aleks Uzelac (istoric) de la Centrul studentesc.axle munshine
ParticipantA fost ceva din cea povestire ilustrata belgradeana la Salon la Constanta? 🙂
Participant„Dracula”? Adica „Teapa” in romaneste… A aparut in ultimul AH, BD! lansat la Constanta.
Multumesc pentru unele lamuriri, Axle.
Am vazut lucrari de Ivan. E un pusti care abia a pus mana pe creion._Maxim
ParticipantAxle Munshine ne aduce o veste buna:
„Prima internet BD TV in Serbia…este doar inceputul…”
http://www.live-e.tv/strip-tvMiki Pješčić prezinta:
[video src="http://live-e.tv/files/flv_fajlovi/strip_tv/striptv_salonstripa.flv" /]_Maxim
ParticipantBuna treaba cu Salonul din septembrie!
Se face o promovare internationala excelenta, pentru ca internationalul „Salon stripa” in organizarea Centrului Cultural Studentesc si „Galeriei Fericite” merita din plin.
Am fost, am vazut, voi reveni.Am „cronicile” de la TV Beograd si inca alte filme de amatori despre eveniment si cu prima ocazie am sa le prezint, daca o mai fi vreuna pana la salonul nostru BD din octombrie. Dar pana atunci vom avea alte imagini de la Belgrad, de la editia a 8-a, dar si o editie online a numarului 18 AH, BD! mai ampla decat cea pe hartie… unde banda fotografica dedicata salonului belgradean va avea cateva pagini in plus.
http://www.visualart.ro/forum/showthread.php?p=327064#post327064 -