- Acest subiect are 46 de răspunsuri, 2 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 14 ani, 3 luni de
ParticipantSpecial edition of AH, BD! #19 is ready, dedicated to the Salon stripa and MONSTERS project.
The stories are in English, French and SERBIAN.
(AP-3 Comes Home by Popa & Mirescu, Serbian version by D.Predic)_Maxim
ParticipantBula va face deplasarea cu AH, BD! Travel
Isi pregateste valizele, folderele, pdf-urile…
Participant8th International Comics Festival, organized by Happy Gallery of Student Cultural Center Belgrade, will be held from September 30th, to October 3rd, 2010. It brings unique and valuable exhibition, panel and educational program of the Ninth art comparable with the European and international art scenes.
Since its establishment, the festival is designed to present overview of the current comics achievements through competitive program & via international comics contest, also to show the top achievements of this art through the visits of world’s most eminent artists.
In that aspect, this year’s festival, eighth in a row, is unique, because for the first time artists from the African continent are present in the Festival’s competition. Thereby, cycle of the participation of artists from all continents and all countries of the world where comics exist even in its development is completed.
After this year’s Festival, Belgrade audience will be rarely provided with an opportunity to see in one place about a hundred original works of the world’s greatest masters of comic, from immensely rich collection of Jean-Marc Besnier, which is another treasure of this festival.
Guest appearance of Jean-Marc Besnier, comics collector from Paris and member of the WIP Agency, association which organises promotions and comic-cons in France, represents French artists at home and abroad and helps artists to sell their original or commissioned works to other collectors, is an excellent opportunity for networking of local artists with European and international comic book market. Furthermore, a number of international projects, of which the most interesting is The Monsters, by Romanian writer Marian Mirescu, will provide an opportunity for the international art communication and professional recognition of the interested parties.
Important part of this year’s edition of the Festival will be the orientation towards script writing, which we intend to achieve through visit of one of the leading European writers whose name is most associated with the cult comic Torpedo 1936 – Special guest of the festival is Enrique Sanchez Abuli, Barcelona.
As in the early 20th century, the quality of comics scene in Serbia today is at the highest possible level and undeniable, and our efforts to revalorize its values in all segments are reflected in the awarding of special recognitions for the contribution to Serbian comics. This year it will be given to Novica Đukić (1925), Serbian comic book author, illustrator and first editor of magazine Kekec. This year, for the first time, the festival will give awards for domestic comics publishing, which in the past decade showed revolutionary progress, but is still far behind the European and world comics production.
The winner of the award for best domestic comics edition 2009/2010 is System Comics Publishing Belgrade, for the series Vekovnici, by group of artists and scriptwriter Marko Stojanović. Award for best foreign edition in Serbia 2009/2010 goes to the publishing house Darkwood, Belgrade for the series Tarzan (Edgar Rice Burroughs / Burne Hogarth: “Tarzan of the Apes”, “Jungle Tales of Tarzan“). For second year in a row Children’s Newspaper Dositej Publishing and the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac, will give the prize Srećko Jovanović for comics publishing; this year’s laureate is Sibin Slavković from Novi Sad.
With this year’s anniversaries – 60 years of comics in Leskovac, 15 years of comics school Nikola Mitrovic Kokan, Leskovac and 5 years of Internet portal „UPPS” – and with the workshops and training programs, 8th International Comics Festival will favor the educatuion of youngest talents and all interested in the art.
Awards to youngest contestants, as well as awards of the festival in all other categories, will be annunced by the jury at the Opening and Awards ceremony of the 8th International Comic Festival, on September 30th, 2010.
Welcome to Student Cultural Center, to your festival – 8th International Comics Festival!
Miki Pješčić, editor of the festival
ParticipantPregatirile sunt in toi.
photo: Predrag Mladenovici
ParticipantTotul e la locului lui, inclusiv Torpedo.
ParticipantPrimele imagini, deocamdata pe visualart.ro
http://www.visualart.ro/forum/showthread.php?p=339114#post339114Peste cateva ore, va fi deschiderea oficiala si gala de premiere.
A sosit si Cristian Ioan Pacurariu si si-au anuntat sosire si Veronica Solomon si Remuis Brezeanu. Din pacate, nu am putut tine legatura cu ei si nu am dat inca de ei.Jean-Marc Besnier a fost nevoit sa ramana la Paris din cauza unor evenimente neprevazute.
Asa ca am ramas numai eu cu Enrique Sanchez Abuli.
Enrique, un amigo jovial si plin de viata, ne-a promis deja ca ne va scrie un scenariu pentru proiectul MONSTRI.Leodor, ti-am luat autograful pe care ti l-am promis, pe catalogul Salonului!
ParticipantArtistul Sarb Tihomir Celanovici a luat cam tot ce putea lua/ Marele Premiu, Premiul pentru cea mai buna lucrare in stil traditional BD, Premiul pentru cea mai buna grafica. Pe deplin meritat. Daca Banda lui adrian Barbu ajungea la timp, poate nu lua el toate premiile
Artistul belgradean este unul destul de cunoscut. La fel ca si predecesorul lui, laureat al editie trecute, Crisitan Ioan Pacurariu, a publicat la editura Soleil, dar si la alte edituri din Franta.
Am reusit sa vad expoztiile si sa ne bucuram si de specialitati sarbesti imnpreuna si cu un vin… DRACULA, o editie foarte speciala de Merlot in cinstea laureatilor de anul trecut. Eticheta aduce foarte mult cu posterului editiei din acest an, pentru ca are un fragment din lucrarea DRACULA / Teapa de M/Mirescu si C. Pacurariu!
Ne revenim si revenim 😉
In continuare, fotografii pe visualart.ro
„Cu primul desenator, unul foarte bun, nimic de zis, Alex. Toth, nu am avut nicio problema. El a avut cu personajul. Cand inca din primul episod i-a desenat o lacrima pe obraz, semn ca ar fi un sensibil si ar regreta faptele sale,am realizat ca nu era desenatorul care trebuia. Am vobri cu editorul sa stearga lacrima. Acela nu era TORPEDO!”
… Luca Torelli, cum era cunoscut in primele episoade._Maxim
ParticipantIn seara asta va avea loc prezentarea proiectului international MONSTERS.
De fapt, prezentarea stadiului in care se afla acest proiect in continua miscare si transforfare – evolutie.Cateva contributii au fost „parafate” deja aici, la Belgrad.
ParticipantPrezentarea a avut un public divers. Sarb, bulgar, croat, macedonean, roman… A urmat prezentarea unui proiect bulgar targhetat pe zona balcanica.
Se anunta un an bun pentru banda desenata din zona. Ceva se va intampla inca din primavara.
(va urma)
Vera si Remus au plecat spre gara. Cristian se afla inca in workshop…
Fotografii, in continuare, pe visualart.ro, pana venim acasa…
ParticipantDin discutia de aseara de la paharul de Adios, despre… femei, cu Enrique: „De ce nu sunt femei aici?”
M: Asa e, suntem numai barbati.
E: Mereu e asa. Dar si autoarele de BD sunt foarte rare. De ce?
M: Si cititoare de BD sunt putine.
E: Pentru ca aproape numai barbatii fac BD.
M: Si o fac mai mult pentru placerea barbatilor?
E: Exact. Ei nu fac benzi desenate pentru femei, adica din cele care sa le intereseze. Poftim, iIn Japonia exista Manga speciala pentru femei.
M: Ca si pentru multe altele si multi altii.
E: A, da. Dar in Europa, nici macar acea BD pentru placerea femeilor.
M: Cultura se declina la masculin.
ParticipantDespre Salon Stripa, pe alte locuri web din Romania:
Societatea Romana de Science-Fiction si Fantasy
http://revistanautilus.ro/stiri/monstrii-romanesti-la-belgrad/Multumim, Viorel!
ParticipantDe aici am transmis corespondentele belgradene:
photo: M. Piescici…de la „pupitrul de comanda” al lui Miki, de la SKC – Centrul Cultural Studentesc
ParticipantRomanii la Belgrad:
Remus BREZEANU, Veronica SOLOMON, Cristian Ioan PACURARIU & Anca, Marian MIRESCU