Lumea BD – Corespondente

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  • #1479 Răspunde
    O gramatica ne-generativa si ne-transformationala a plaiului imaginar syldavian, care apare in cateva volume din seria Tintin. Oare asta rastoarna teoriile tintinolgului nostru nationale?

    #1480 Răspunde

    Kriztina, nymekutz potz rasztvorn tintintantantikitansankitheorskaia fiksatjas betton nai nazszional-deffynitiffart perszonal khreieraj.
    Nije „pique”, gzross epyterm ish ynteresz, zooo…frotje, frotje, frotje menthasz ottt autointeulliguntzszatusfucktidj. Kejya evolutzprotzschniak!
    Perversentz, matterz megamalaconstructz!
    Khontinuytatusz, ferykirai tchockmikh pauperopoporj!!

    Intzeleptatchun jmeckarju: Adin jmeckarj arrrunk piotr na baltah, proshtglottai balldebyckh!

    #1481 Răspunde

    Neorama dos Quadrinhos pe web TV
    Animatorul BD (Quadrinos), Marko Ajdaric (Brazilia) isi extinde activitatea de informare si pe radio pe „imagini in miscare”.
    O idee care merita preluata!
    Esta ediç?o’ zero’ fica de sábado até segunda-feira em nosso site, quando será substituída por uma entrevista com Crist, chargista do Clarin (Argentina), que fica 2 dias no ar, sendo seguida por ediç?es de demonstraç?o desse nosso veículo.

    Espero que apreciem…
    Esperamos aprender muito, ainda 🙂

    Marko Ajdaric

    #1482 Răspunde

    Call for cooperation!

    The art group Tea…Excellent announces a call for participation in a comics exhibition in Nis. The exhibition will take place in the gallery Paviljon in the Fortress, from 2 to 11 June 2006.
    Number of works per author is unlimited.
    Works must be from one to six pages, of maximum dimensions 297 x 420 mm (A-3). You can send originals, quality copies, CDs or e-mails. If you send works in electronic format, resolution must be printer-friendly (300dpi).
    Deadline is 31 May 2006
    Send you works to:
    Du?an Cvetkovi?
    Bulevar Nemanjica 3/73
    18000 Nis
    Srbija i Crna Gora

    Or to an e-mail address: ,
    Find more information at
    Contact person:
    Dusan Cvetkovic +381 64 22 35 789; +381 18 348 603;

    #1483 Răspunde

    My name is Aleksandar Sotirovski (1971) pro illustrator, animator comic and concept artist and storyboarder with International experience, from Skopje, Macedonia.
    I worked at Storyboard Studio in Skopje as a Lead Animator and Principal Concept Artist on macedonian animated feature film PIETAS (
    You can also cee some of my works at:
    At this moment I’m finishing 144 page Graphic Novel „Shelter” for American Market, so if you are interested, you can some of them at:
    I’m also working as a storyboard and concept artist on three feature animated movies for American Clients, some samples for big French Publishers as GLENAT and DELCOURT, and working as penciler and inker on 4 issues comic for Arcana.
    From September I’ll start workin new serial for IMAGE COMICS.
    I would like to cooperate with you, of course if you are willing too.
    I want to organize big comic festival in Bitola (actually, I’m from Bitola, and I live in Skopje last almost 13 years), so I’m working on it.
    Thanks for your time, all the best,

    #1484 Răspunde

    The first period of comics awareness in Macedonia was marked in early eighties by the „Tus Laboratorija” group. Its members Koco Trajanovski, Igor Tosevski and especially Marjan Kamilovski (with his expressive gesture) primarily used the youth press to showcase their work. At that time, Tomislav Osmanli, a comics enthusiast, even published a book in which he managed to portray the birth and development of comic from medieval frescoes (Macedonian, of course) to the recent masterpieces by masters like Pratt or Breccia. The book has its faults: for instance, a comic which is claimed to be an original work from 1945 appears to be plagiarized from Disney’s Pinnochio. And what does the comics scene in Macedonia look today? Towards the end of the 80’s, Makstrip magazine started with realistically drawn adventure stories of a rather high standard (the editor was a classic comic artist himself), but as the readership shrank, more and more material was reprinted from old issues of comics magazines from former Yugoslavia. It ended in sheer piracy, but that failed to help the magazine attract more readers. Still, the final issue enthroned the local authors like Zlatko Krstevski, Smile Cvetanovski and the illustrator Toni Anastasovski…

    The student newspaper Studentski Zbor featured work by Lasko Djurovski, Vice Spasovski, Zlatko Krstevski, Milo Mancevski. There were some exhibitions, as well: the most important were Comics in Macedonia (1983) and Krstevski’s one man show in 1987 (despite his young age, he has had seven solo shows and has received a couple of awards). Two anthology magazines appeared in the ’90s: Strip Ekspres and Strip Art suffered from bad, worn-out concepts. Three new magazines consist mainly of stolen international material: the ironically titled Lift, sponsored by the Soros foundation, publishes over- and underground material; Klik from Bitola (partly financed by Ministry of Culture of Republic Macedonia) devotes about 20% of its pages to local cartoonists like Sotorovski, Krstevski, Dacev or Kamilovski, and the rest is, again, piracy; and finally, there’s Totem with non-copyrighted works by Moebius and Alonso Font. Another magazine was announced but never appeared—it looks as if computers and video took the last nine or so comic fans…

    Goran Krste – Visinski
    adapted by J.K., Stripburger

    #1485 Răspunde

    Dear artists,

    You are invited to participate with you comics, texts and illustrations in our new regular issue. No specific topic is selected. Humorous, politically engaged and erotical comics especially wanted.
    Comics should be in A4 format, in english. No limitations in length. Send files in tif format (600 dpi for b&w lineart or 300 dpi for grayscale – NO MAC FILES PLEASE!!!) to or on a cd to
    Metelkova 6
    1000 Ljubljana

    The deadline is 15th August 2006.

    For more info write to

    – Strip Core c/o Forum Ljubljana
    Institute for Art and Cultural Production
    Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    tel. +386 1 2319662, fax. +386 1 4338074

    Forum Ljubljana je clan Asociacije

    #1486 Răspunde

    Thanks, Stripburgers and Marko for the CALL! 🙂

    All Stripburger issues are mostly translated in English. In these times of American cultural supremacy, this decision may look conservative, but it has its advantages. This way, the privilege of reading comics about being deprivileged will spread worldwide, as even some Americans understand English. All the special issues: Honey talks, Miniburger, Madburger, etc. are published in English, the comics in regular issues are printed in Slovenian, English and serbo-croato-bosnian with all the texts in Slovenian and translated in the English connector added to every issue for the reading pleasures of all the non-slovenians.
    To order Stripburger issues, have a look here.


    You are invited to participate with you comics, texts and illustrations in our new regular issue. No specific topic is selected, eventhough humorous, politically engaged and erotical comics are especially wanted.

    Comics should be in A4 format, in english. No limitations in length. Send files in tif format (600 dpi for b&w lineart or 300 dpi for grayscale – NO MAC FILES PLEASE!!!) to or on a cd to our address.
    The deadline is 15th August 2006.
    For more info write to

    Vabimo vas, da s svojimi stripi, teksti in ilustracijami sodelujete pri naslednji redni stevilki Stripburgerja. Tema je prosta. Dol?ina neomejena.

    Fajle lahko po?ljete na v tif formatu (600 dpi za b&w lineart ali 300 dpi za grayscale) do 15. avgusta.

    Za ve? informacij pi?ite na

    #1487 Răspunde

    Guvernul argentinian organizeaza un Concurs de BD si Umor grafic!
    (dupa ce intram in Europa, mergem mai departe spre America? 8-> )

    #1488 Răspunde

    Sa mergem in Germaniaaa!
    …prin Portugalia

    We send you information about “Football & Humour” ( a virtual gallery on the Cartoon Virtual Museum, asking the best divulgation about this subject.

    Best regards
    The Communication department
    Carla Magalhães
    The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
    Tel: 351 225304966
    Fax: 351 225301071
    Portuguese Printing Press Museum launches Virtual Gallery

    “Football & Humour”

    The Portuguese Printing Press Museum launches, on the start of World Cup 2006, a virtual gallery dedicated to „Football & Humour”.

    This new gallery is part of the Cartoon Virtual Museum ( and presents more than an hundred drawings about the football and everything that surround it. In this gallery can be seen the participant works of some editions of the PortoCartoon-World Festival, with special distinction to the 2004 edition under the theme “Sports and Society” with reference to the Euro 2004 in Portugal and the Olympic Games in Athens. Some cartoons result of a direct invitation launched by Portuguese Printing Press Museum to cartoonists of the five continents about the World Cup 2006 theme.

    The virtual gallery is trilingual (Portuguese, English and Esperanto) and will be online in the start of the World Cup 2006 and will be available at the Cartoon Virtual Museum.

    This is the second gallery inside of the Cartoon Virtual Museum and is divided in the following sections: Authors, Caricatures, Cartoons, Countries and Links.

    Last February the Cartoon Virtual Museum launched the „Mahomet Gallery” destined to congregate all the information that circulated in the Internet about the polemic’s cartoons of Mahomet prophet.

    With the creation of the „Football & Humour” the Portuguese Printing Press Museum intends to value the Humour drawing as universal journalistic language and to homage the cartoonists when inviting them to draw on what „probably” it is the most universal subject of the world.

    The Cartoon Virtual Museum is a dynamic space that intends to value the universal language of cartoon. It is divided in several “spaces”, with a special note to the Honour Gallery, where several pillars of the history of caricature, since the XIX century, can be found. In the other sections we can get information on cartoonists, contests and festivals, museums and galleries, cartoon organisations and news. There’s also a special highlight to an item devoted to PortoCartoon-World Festival.

    The PortoCartoon-World Festival is considered by FECO as one of the three most important festivals of humoristic drawing in the entire world when considering cartoonist participation and monetary prizes. This mark of honour puts Portugal in the top of the international cartoon contests. FECO is the most important international organization and represents more than 2000 artists of 30 countries.

    #1489 Răspunde

    Despre Ciubotariu in Suplimentul de cultura, la … tional.pdf , pagina 15 pentru cei grabiti.
    Rup din context: „banda desenata din Romania, un domeniu atat de slab reprezentat si atat de putin vizibil incat nici nu are sens sa mai discutam despre asta.”

    #1490 Răspunde

    Mai rupe din context, florinleodor, ca linkul tau nu merge.
    Dar nu aici, pentru ca „Lumea” din titlul sectiunii se refera chiar la Lumea mare, si nu la asta de aici…despre care unii cred ca nu merita sa discutam 😀

    Despre ce numar este vorba? Suplimentul asta imi mai cade si mie-n maini din cand in cand – apare ca supliment la un ziar de-aici.
    Echipa este foarte tanara, la propriu… cat si la figurat. Observ un trend care impune o „prospetime” importata. Ca multe altele importate, multe sunt deja expirate!

    #1491 Răspunde

    Hermann si Yves H:
    D R A C U L A
    Vlad Tepes
    (Vlad L’Empaleur)

    Sera&Yves H.
    Pe urmele lui
    D R A C U L A
    Bram Stoker

    Dany & Yves H.
    Pe urmele lui
    D R A C U L A

    #1492 Răspunde

    OCTOBER 12-14, 2006
    Washington, D.C.
    The Library of Congress, James Madison Building


    The International Comic Arts Festival invites scholarly paper presentations for its eleventh annual meeting, to be held at the Madison Building of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., from Thursday, October 12, through Saturday, October 14, 2006. We welcome proposals from a variety of disciplines and theoretical perspectives. All proposals should address the history, aesthetics, cultural significance or critical reception of comic art (including comic strips, comic books, albums, graphic novels, political cartoons, other panel cartoons, caricature, or comics in electronic media).

    Proposals will be refereed via blind review.

    For its scholarly presentations, ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven papers, clearly linked to larger critical, artistic or cultural issues. We strive to avoid presentations that are merely summative or survey-like in character. Where possible, papers should be illustrated by relevant images ( e.g., slides, transparencies). In all cases, presentations should be timed to finish within the strict limit of TWENTY (20) MINUTES (roughly eight to nine typed, double-spaced pages).

    Proposals should not exceed 300 WORDS. At the bottom of the proposal, the author should precisely state her/his audiovisual equipment needs. Note that ICAF cannot provide a VCR, freestanding DVD player, or monitor. Proposals requiring computers or data projection equipment should include exact system specifications. Presenters relying on computers are urged to bring their own equipment for backup, including adaptors. (Though ICAF strives to meet basic equipment needs, we cannot guarantee the availability or compatibility of computer equipment.)

    REVIEW PROCESS: All proposals will be subject to blind review by the ICAF Executive Committee, with preference given to proposals that observe the above standards. The final number of papers accepted will depend on the needs of the conference program as it develops. (In past years ICAF has typically accepted one third to one half of the proposals it has received.)

    SEND ABSTRACTS (with COMPLETE contact information) BY March 15, 2006, TO:
    Prof. Cécile Danehy
    ICAF Program Coordinator
    Department of French Studies
    Wheaton College
    26 Main Street
    Norton, MA 02766 USA
    or via email at

    #1493 Răspunde

    Excelentul blog „lines and colors”, al lui Charley Parker, se opreste in cel mai recent ‘post’ asupra proiectului Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein. Despre ce-i vorba? Un individ si-a asumat titanesca sarcina de a identifica casetele bd care au fost prelucrate de Lichtenstein in celebrele lui tablouri. Va las sa descoperiti ce-a gasit.

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Răspunde la: Lumea BD – Corespondente
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