Etichetat: AH, BD!, Craiova, Marian Mirescu, Sandu Florea, Sanki
- Acest subiect are 118 răspunsuri, 9 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 1 an, 10 luni de Marian Mirescu.
Sandu Florea:
Organizatorii au facut o reclama masiva pentru conventie la TV, radio si ziare. Ei se asteptau la aproximativ 10.000 de vizitatori dar se pare ca acest numar a fost depasit de cateva ori ceea ce a coplesit capacitatile de absortie a salilor de expozitii. Acesta este un semn foarte bun pentru industria de comics mai ales ca majoritatea vizitatorilor au fost adulti. Dar a fost si o experienta neplacuta deoarece pur si simplu lumea se calca in picioare ca sa intre (dupa ce ai cumparat biletul de intrare in valoare de
$25!!!) si este prima oara cand am vazut acest lucru la o Conventie in ultimii 15 ani de cand sunt in America.
Eu am aflat prea tarziu de aceasta conventie si nu am mai putut intra pe lista oficiala de invitati ci numai cu titlul de „professional” fara sa platesc intrarea.Xmoor Studios ca sa obtina un mic stand la Conventie trebuia sa plateasca cateva mii de dolari…
_MaximParticipantSandu Florea:
Robert Garrett nu era in brosura program a Conventiei care avea si harta cu locatiile respective care este esentiala ca sa gasesti pe cineva. M-am uitat si dupa un afis-panou de afisaj cu acest nume dar practic cauti acul in carul cu fan fara harta. Chiar daca era pe situl oficial putini au auzit de Xmoor ca sa-si noteze dinainte locatia.
Da, am verificat din nou programul Conventiei si l-am gasit pe Robert Garett la lista de artisti. Greseala a fost ca eu l-am cautat la lista de companii si m-am uitat dupa acest nume Xmoor nu dupa Robert Garett
care in aceste conditii era considerat invitat si nu cred ca a platit nimic.
Asa a a fost sa fie.Vom reveni cu detalii despre proiectul RUSH, la care a participat ca artist, un desenator roman, inca in Romania, Victor Drujiniu
_MaximParticipantSandu Florea:
La sfarsitul lunii aprilie voi termina cea mai mare serie de comicsuri ( X-Men the End!) la care am lucrat vreodata. Proiectul a durat peste doi ani si jumatate (18 issues) a fost foarte complex si s-a bucurat de succes la public cu primele numere depasind 100.000 exemplare si restul cu un tiraj mediu de 65.000 exemplare. Marvel intentioneaza sa mentina echipa formata de Sean Chen (penciller), Sandu Florea (inker) si Ian Hannin (colorist) pentru un alt proiect major care va incepe toamna aceasta (Captain America sau Fantastic Four – inca se mai discuta titlul).
Eu va urez mult succes la Budapesta.
Amazing Spider-Man (2°) #28 Distractions 04/2001 Howard Mackie / Joe Bennett / Sandu Florea
Amazing Spider-Man (2°) #2001 (‘) Passages 05/2001 Howard Mackie / Joe Bennett / Sandu Florea
Avengers Unplugged #1 Unchain My Heart 10/1995 Glenn Herdling / M.C. Wyman / Sandu Florea
Avengers Unplugged #2 The Day Gravity Went Wild 12/1995 Glenn Herdling / M.C. Wyman, Sandu Florea / Sandu Florea
Avengers Unplugged #3 Ladies Nite! 01/1996 Mike Lackey / M.C. Wyman / Sandu Florea
Avengers Unplugged #5 Legacies 06/1996 Glenn Herdling / M.C. Wyman / Sandu Florea, Tom Palmer
Avengers Unplugged #6 …Black Wraith! 08/1996 Glenn Herdling / M.C. Wyman / Sandu Florea
Birds of Prey #42 Karen’s Story 06/2002 Chuck Dixon / Glenn Fabry / Glenn Fabry, Sandu Florea
Blackwulf #5 Sale of the sentry 10/1994 Glenn Herdling / Keith Pollard / Sandu Florea
Blackwulf #6 The Genesis Of Two Teams 11/1994 Glenn Herdling / Angel Medina / Bill Anderson, Mike Machlan, Sandu Florea
Blackwulf #7 Godstalker 12/1994 Glenn Herdling / Angel Medina / Bill Anderson, Sandu Florea
Blackwulf #8 Armechadon 01/1995 Glenn Herdling / Angel Medina / Bill Anderson, Sandu Florea, Mike Machlan
Blade (2°) #1 Blood Allies 11/1998 Donald F. McGregor / Brian Hagen / Sandu Florea
Blade (2°) #2 Blood Allies, Part II 11/1998 Donald F. McGregor / Brian Hagen / Sandu Florea
Blade (2°) #3 Blood Allies, Book Three 12/1998 Donald F. McGregor / Brian Hagen / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #4 White Christmas 12/1998 Andi Watson / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #5 Happy new Year 01/1999 Andi Watson / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6 New Kid on the Block, 1 02/1999 Andi Watson, Dan Brereton / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #7 New Kid on the Block, 2 03/1999 Andi Watson, Dan Brereton / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 (OS) 1/2 – Stinger 1999 Christopher Golden / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel #1 The Hollower, Part 1 05/1999 Christopher Golden / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel #2 The Hollower, Part 2 06/1999 Christopher Golden / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel #3 The Hollower, Part 3 07/1999 Christopher Golden / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Dust Waltz #1 Promenade Dan Brereton / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Dust Waltz #2 Moon Dance Dan Brereton / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Dust Waltz #3 the Dust Waltz Dan Brereton / Hector Gomez / Sandu Florea
Captain America (1°) #442 Broad Stripes And White Stars 08/1995 Mark Gruenwald / Dave Hoover, Sandu Florea / Dan Bulanadi
Captain America (1°) #449 First Sign, Chapter One: I’ll Take Manhattan 03/1996 Mark Waid / Ron Garney, Sandu Florea / Denis Rodier, Scott Koblish, Sandu Florea
Captain America (3°) #2001 (‘) Denial, Chapter 2 11/2001 Dan Jurgens / Darryl Banks / Sandu Florea
Conan: Flame & The Fiend #1 Part 1: Familiar Fire 08/2000 Roy Thomas / Geoff Isherwood / Sandu Florea
Conan: Flame & The Fiend #2 Skeleton Wings Over Turan 09/2000 Roy Thomas / Geoff Isherwood / Sandu Florea
Conan: Flame & The Fiend #3 Hour Of The Demons 10/2000 Roy Thomas / Geoff Isherwood / Sandu Florea
Cosmic Powers Unlimited #3 The Jack Of Hearts – God Help The Mister… That Comes Between Me And My Sister 12/1995 Michael Gallagher / Sandu Florea / Sandu Florea
Doctor Strange (3°) #3 (A) My Dinner With Mordo 1993 Sholly Fisch / Sandu Florea / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #25 Power Play, Part 1 09/2003 Robert Rodi / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #26 Power Play, Part 2 of 3 10/2003 Robert Rodi / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #27 Power Play, Part 3 11/2003 Robert Rodi / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #28 Dead To Rights 12/2003 Robert Rodi / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #29 Prophet And Loss, Part 1 of 3 01/2004 Robert Rodi / Will Conrad / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #30 Prophet And Loss, Part 2 of 3 02/2004 Robert Rodi / Will Conrad / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #31 Prophet And Loss, Part 3 of 3 03/2004 Robert Rodi / Will Conrad / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #32 Fever, Part 1 of 3 03/2004 Robert Rodi / Steven Cummings / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #33 Fever, Part 2 of 3 04/2004 Robert Rodi / Steven Cummings / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #34 Fever, Part 3 of 3 05/2004 Robert Rodi / Steven Cummings / Sandu Florea
Elektra (2°) #35 Dead Reckoning 06/2004 Robert Rodi / Jon Proctor / Sandu Florea
Evil Ernie: Relentless #1 05/2002 Brian Pulido / Richard Bonk, David Brewer / Bill Anderson, Richard Bonk, David Brewer, Sandu Florea Fantastic Force #2 Zarathustra 12/1994 Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich / Dante Bastianoni / Ralph Cabrera, Sandu Florea
Fantastic Force #4 Adapt or die! 02/1995 Tom Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich / Pino Rinaldi / Ralph Cabrera, Sandu Florea
Force Works #21 After Image 03/1996 Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning / Yancey Labat, Andrew Wildman / Rey Garcia, Sandu Florea, Sergio Cariello
Generation X #63 Correction, 1 of 4 05/2000 Warren Ellis, Brian Wood / Steve Pugh / Sandu Florea
Generation X #64 Correction, 2 of 4 06/2000 Warren Ellis, Brian Wood / Steve Pugh / Sandu Florea
Generation X #65 Correction, 3 of 4 07/2000 Warren Ellis, Brian Wood / Steve Pugh / Sandu Florea
Generation X #73 Four Days, Part 3 of 4 03/2001 Brian Wood / Ron Lim / Sandu Florea
Generation X #75 Brand New Day 05/2001 Brian Wood / Ron Lim / Sandu Florea, Randy Elliott
Guardians of the Galaxy #62 Time To Go 07/1995 Michael Gallagher / Sandu Florea / Sandu Florea
Hawkeye (3°) #7 A Little Murder, Part 1 of 2: Proletariat Knights 06/2004 Fabian Nicieza / Joe Bennett / Sandu Florea
Hawkeye (3°) #8 A Little Murder, Part 2: Caviar Daze 08/2004 Fabian Nicieza / Joe Bennett / Sandu Florea
Identity Disc #1 Identity Disc, Part 1 08/2004 Robert Rodi / John Higgins / Sandu Florea
Identity Disc #2 Part Two 09/2004 Robert Rodi / John Higgins / Sandu Florea
Identity Disc #310/2004 Robert Rodi / John Higgins / Sandu Florea
Identity Disc #411/2004 Robert Rodi / John Higgins / Sandu Florea
Identity Disc #512/2004 Robert Rodi / John Higgins / Sandu Florea
Journey into Mystery (1°) #516 Shang-Chi, Master Of Kung-Fu – Bring Me The Head Of Shang-Chi!! 01/1998 Ben Raab / Brian Hagan / Sandu Florea
Magneto: Dark Seduction #4 Part 4: By Right Of Force 09/2000 Fabian Nicieza / Michael Ryan, Jorge Santamaria Garcia / Rodney Ramos, Harry Candelario, Sandu Florea, Derek Mei, Tyson McAdoo
Mutant X #26 Long Day’s Journey Through The Night 12/2000 Howard Mackie / Ron Lim / Sandu Florea
Mutant X #2001 (‘) The Key 05/2001 Howard Mackie / James W. III Fry / Andrew Pepoy, Sandu Florea
Namor (1°) #3 (A) Under The Skin 1993 Ron Marz / Adam Hughes, Joel Thomas, Joe Phillips, James Pearson, Dave Johnson, Cully Hamner, Scott Koblish, Kris Renkewitz, Brian Stelfreeze / Sandu Florea, Joel Thomas, Terry Austin, Karl Story, John Beatty, Wade Von Grawbadger, Scott Koblish, Kris Renk
Namor (1°) #4 (A) Children Of Lesser Gods 1994 Karl Bollers, Nel Yomtov / Bill Wylie / Sandu Florea
Namor (2°) #10 In Deep, Part 4 02/2004 Andi Watson, Bill Jemas / Manuel Gutierrez / Sandu Florea
Spider-Man (2°) #26 Police Story 02/2001 Paul Jenkins / Joe Bennett / Sandu Florea
Spider-Man Unlimited (3°) #1 Slyde Into Destiny ? 03/2004 Brian Lynch / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
Spider-Man: Get Kraven #1 You Can Call Me Al 08/2002 Ron Zimmerman / Al Rio / Sandu Florea
Spider-Man: Get Kraven #1 Get Kraven, Part One 08/2002 Ron Zimmerman / John McCrea, Al Rio / James Hodgkins, Sandu Florea
Startling Stories (One-shots) #2 The Thing – Last Line Of Defense 10/2003 Ron Zimmerman / Don Kramer / Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea
Superman: The Man of Steel #133 Lost Hearts, Part Three: Giving In 02/2003 Geoff Johns / Tom Derenick / Norm Rapmund, Walden Wong, Bob Petrecca, Sandu Florea
Thor (1°) #474 When Mountains Walked! 05/1994 Roy Thomas / Sandu Florea / Bob Petrecca
Thor (1°) #484 The God In The War Machine 03/1995 Roy Thomas / Sandu Florea / Sandu Florea
Thunderbolts (1°) #67 Becoming Heroes 2: Trust In Fear 09/2002 Fabian Nicieza / Patrick Zircher / Sandu Florea
Thunderstrike #7 Loose Ends! 04/1994 Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz / Keith Pollard / Sandu Florea
Thunderstrike #11 Battle Lines! 08/1994 Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz / Keith Pollard / Sandu Florea
Tigra #3 The Amazing Spider-Man – You Can Call Me Al, Part One 07/2002 Ron Zimmerman / Al Rio / Sandu Florea
Uncanny X-Men #399 For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge 12/2001 Joe Casey / Tom Raney, Thomas Derenick / Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea Uncanny X-Men #427 The Dead Have No Rights 09/2003 Chuck Austen / Steve Kim / Sandu Florea, Mark Morales, $Green
Uncanny X-Men #465 House Of M – Season Of The Witch, Part 4 of 4: Chaos Rules 12/2005 Chris Claremont / Chris Bachalo / Sandu Florea, Jonathan Holdredge, Mark Irwin, Jaime Mendoza, Victor Olazaba, Sean Parsons, Norm Rapmund, Tim Townsend, Al Vey
Uncanny X-Men #467 Decimation – 24 Seconds 02/2006 Chris Claremont / Chris Bachalo / Sandu Florea, Jonathan Holdredge, Robert Hunter, Jaime Mendoza, Victor Olazaba, Sean Parsons, Norm Rapmund, Tim Townsend, Al Vey
War Machine #15 War-Time! 06/1995 Dan Abnett / Sandu Florea / Tim Dzon
War Machine #16 Zietkrieg Triumphant 07/1995 Dan Abnett / Sandu Florea / Tim Dzon
War Machine #17 …A Time To Keep, And A Time To Cast Away 08/1995 Dan Abnett / Sandu Florea / Tim Dzon
War Machine #21 Brothers In Arms 12/1995 Dan Abnett / Fred Haynes, Sandu Florea / Johnny Greene, Jimmy Palmiotti, Sandu Florea
X-Force (1°) #128 The Amazing Spider-Man – You Can Call Me Al, Part Two 07/2002 Ron Zimmerman / Al Rio / Sandu Florea
X-Force (1°) #1 (A) Know Your Enemy 01/1992 Dan Slott / Sandu Florea / Brad Vancata
X-Men #118 Germ Free Generation, One of Three 11/2001 Grant Morrison / Ethan Van Sciver / Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea, Prentis Rollins
X-Men #122 Imperial 03/2002 Grant Morrison / Frank Quitely / Sandu Florea, Tim Townsend, Rich Perrotta
X-Men #123 Testament 04/2002 Grant Morrison / Thomas Derenick, Ethan Van Sciver / Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea, Tim Townsend, Danny Miki
X-Men Unlimited (1°) #29 Maximum Security: Renewed Acquaintances 12/2000 Joe Pruett / Brett Booth / Sal Regla, Sandu Florea
X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse #4 Chapter Four: Betrayal
05/2005 Akira Yoshida / Chris Bachalo / Sandu Florea, Victor Olazaba, Mark Irwin, Jaime Mendoza, Al Vey, Aaron Sowd, Jay Leisten
X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse #5 Age Of Apocalypse 10th Anniversary – Chapter Five: Sinister 05/2005 Akira Yoshida / Chris Bachalo / Sandu Florea, Victor Olazaba, Mark Irwin, Jaime Mendoza, Al Vey, Aaron Sowd, Jay Leisten
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #1 The Gathering Storm 10/2004 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #2 Omens & Portents 10/2004 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #3 Dream A Little Dream! 11/2004 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #4 Broken Lance 12/2004 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #5 Triumph… 01/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers & Demons #6 … And Tragedy! 02/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #1 The Grand Alliance 03/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #2 Closing The Ring 04/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #3 Men & X-Men, Part 3: Hinge Of Fate 05/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #4 The Die Is Cast! 06/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #5 Their Final Hour! 07/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Three #6 Come The New Dawn! 08/2006 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #1 Blown Away! 05/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #2 Code Red! 06/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #3 Heroes And Martyrs, Part 3 of 6: Wandering Star 07/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #4 Dance With The Devil! 08/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #5 Secret Origins! 09/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Men: The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs #6 Godrise 10/2005 Chris Claremont / Sean Chen / Sandu Florea
X-Treme X-Men #38 Storm: The Arena, Chapter 3 of 4: Slave 02/2004 Chris Claremont / Igor Kordey / Josef Rubinstein, Andrew Pepoy, Sandu Florea, Norm Rapmund
X-Treme X-Men #39 Storm: The Arena, The Conclusion: Gladiator 02/2004 Chris Claremont / Igor Kordey / Mark McKenna, Josef Rubinstein, Andrew Pepoy, Sandu Florea, Norm Rapmund
X-Treme X-Men #43 Prisoner Of Fire, Part 4 of 6: Shadow Of The Soul 05/2004 Chris Claremont / Igor Kordey / Andrew Pepoy, Greg Adams, Sandu Florea, Norm Rapmund
X-Treme X-Men #44 Prisoner Of Fire, Part 5 of 6: Liberation 05/2004 Chris Claremont / Igor Kordey / Greg Adams, Sandu Florea, Norm Rapmund
X-Treme X-Men #2001 (‘) Queen of Shadows 2001 Chris Claremont / Salvador Larroca / Sandu Florea_MaximParticipantAcum Sandu lucreaza la un proiect personal in echipa cu un penciller american si probabil un colorist 🙂 roman: WONDERMAN, si la doua titluri Marvel: X-Factor si GammaCorps…
Initial Wonderman urma sa fie lansat la San Diego Convention in iulie dar se pare ca acest termen este nerealist pentru un graphic novel de 54 pagini si in aceste conditii probabil deadline se va schimba si vom avea mai mult timp la dispozitie pentru realizarea proiectului cu o lansare la o Conventie din toamna._MaximParticipant@Maxim wrote:
The Executioner este o serie care ar putea sa apara in „Carusel”
Despre colaborarea dintre Sandu Florea si Don Pedleton: Pendleton’s „Mack Bolan, The Executioner, War Against the Mafia
Part One, Double Cover Edition, with folded 10″ by 12″ poster inside.
Adapted and scripted by Don Pendleton and Linda Pendleton.
Penciled by Sandu Florea; Inked by Mike Dedodato, Sr.; Inside Cover art by Hector Gomez.
Introduction by David Campiti. End Notes by Don Pendleton. Vol. I, No. 1, Published July 1993, Innovation.Don Pendleton’s „Mack Bolan, The Executioner, War Against the Mafia
Part One, Indestructible Edition.
Adapted and scripted by Don Pendleton and Linda Pendleton.
Penciled by Sandu Florea; Inked by Mike Dedodato, Sr.; Cover Art by Joe Pimentel
Introduction by David Campiti. End Notes by Don Pendleton.
Vol. I, No. 1, Published July 1993, interviu cu Linda Pendleton
de Richard Vasseur (posted 4/2/2007) acest timp, vara lui 2007, Sandu, pe langa lucrul (intens) la Marvel, lucreaza la un priect personal, WONDERMAN, la care va contribui un alt artist roman (din tara), Robert Simon.
IN PLUS, va colabora si la proiectul polono-roman, un comic book, „Monsters without borders”, programat sa fie lansat in primavara anului viitor, 2008._MaximParticipantIn noiembrie:
INKS: SANDU FLOREATHE STORY: World War Hulk is over. But the Aftersmash has just begun. Heroes and monsters rise and fall as the events of „World War Hulk” reverberate through the blasted ruins of New York City with goliath impact in a massive story featuring the Warbound, the Renegades, Heroes for Hire, Iron Man, Tom Foster, and Damage Control. And yes, smashing will be involved.[/img]
_MaximParticipantLa MARVEL inkuieste cele 8 numere din „Iliada” si face echipa cu Tony Daniel, „unul dintre starurile cele mai mari din industria de comics” la BATMAN, ca regular inker la DC, intrand astfel in „categoria supergreilor”!
„Ca sa obtii acest job este aproape inposibil.”Felicitari si spor la lucru!
_MaximParticipantBatman – #672: Space Medicine (DC 2/2008)
Sediul Politiei din Gotham este atacat de misteriosul Third Batman care incepe sa omoare politisti… Care este secretul lui Batman in ceea ce priveste crearea Batmanilor impostori? Guest star este Bat-Mite!
Desenele sunt de Tony Daniel, iar “inkeri” sunt Sandu Florea si Mark Irwin.
Coperta… si o plansa inedita de la Sandu
_MaximParticipantWritten by Grant Morrison; Art and variant cover by Tony Daniel & Sandu Florea; Cover by Alex Ross
Are you ready for “Batman R.I.P.”?
Beginning the epic story that will change the legend of the Dark Knight forever! Everything in Grant Morrison’s groundbreaking run on Batman has been leading to this story, and nothing will ever be the same again.
Who will live? Who will die? Who will be Batman? The answers are sure to shock you in “Batman R.I.P.,” featuring artwork by Tony Daniel & Sandu Florea and covers by Alex Ross.
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Alex Ross), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Tony Daniel and Sandu Florea). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale April 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 USSo, after all the rumors about Batman’s death, here we are with Batman R.I.P. o___O
I REALLY hope it’s just some shocking title to gather attention and nothing more, ‘cause if they touch Bruce or someone of the Batfamily actually dies here I’ll….well, don’t know exactly what I’ll do, but I’ll be so pissed off for sure!!!!!
Dc, don’t make this HUGE mistake, and leave alone the Bat-family
Mood: irritated_MaximParticipantPublisher/Distributor Solicitation
When Bruce Wayne leaves Gotham for personal reasons, Dick Grayson, the original Robin, is called upon to take the role of Batman. Putting on the legendary costume, Dick works side by side with the current Boy Wonder to defend Gotham from the everyday thugs and eccentric villains who prey upon the city. Gaining a greater appreciation for the responsibility and pressure that Bruce bears, the former sidekick proves without a doubt that he is up to the task of being the Dark Knight Detective. But when the maniacal Two-Face returns, the new Batman must overcome his childhood demons in order to defeat the first villain who he ever faced and failed against as a costumed vigilante years ago.
It’s been hinted at by DC Comics’ head honcho Dan Didio and now the official solicitation copy for April’s Batman #676 seems to confirm the long-standing rumor that Bruce Wayne is not long for this world.
Are you ready for „Batman R.I.P.”? Beginning the epic story that will change the legend of the Dark Knight forever! Everything in Grant Morrison’s groundbreaking run on Batman has been leading to this story, and nothing will ever be the same again. Who will live? Who will die? Who will be Batman? The answers are sure to shock you in „Batman R.I.P.,” featuring artwork by Tony Daniel & Sandu Florea and covers by Alex Ross.
Nothing will ever be the same again!
The first question upon reading the solicitation should be „Who are they trying to kid?” Considering that DC are rumored to have postponed Greg Rucka’s Batwoman comic until after the summer release of The Dark Knight movie for fear of offending moviegoers by daring to have a lesbian crimefighter fouling up the franchise, the idea that they’d kill Bruce Wayne before the movie even comes out sounds a little unlikely, even factoring the success of Marvel’s killing of Captain America last year. But that said, Batman writer Morrison is also heading up DC’s big cosmic story of the year, Final Crisis, which is also rumored to feature the death of big-name characters before restarting history and returning them all to life again, so who knows?Let’s take them at their word right now, and try to answer the third question they ask: If Bruce Wayne was to die, who would you like to become Batman, and why? Tim Drake, the current Robin? Dick Grayson, the unfortunately-name first Robin and current Nightwing (who’s already had a go at the gig)? Alfred? Or someone else entirely?
First one to say Jean-Paul Valley is directed to please return to 1993 as soon as possible„Fiti fara grija!”
🙂(Nu va fie frica, Batman nu pica 😆 )
_MaximParticipant„This is a big storyline that I’m about to start pencilling next week. By the time this issue hits, people will be seeing how Grant Morisson has weaved all the little puzzle pieces together. As a penciller, I try to convey what Grant is trying to tell. So my layouts are the most important element for me. After I pencil the pages it’s out of my hands and I rely on the inking and coloring to lend itself to the overall feel of the book.
What you’ll notice most, starting partly with issue 673 is a change up in the inking. We’ve pulled in Sandu Florea to take over on inks full time starting on 674, but he inked a good portion of 673 to begin with. He brings a complex level of line work and depth that really brings out the best in my pencils. The cover for 676, Batman RIP, is his first cover over me and there you can already see what he brings to the table.
So I am excited for this upcoming storyline, especially now that I feel that I’ve got my footing finally and the rest of the creative team in place for a heck of a run. We’re aiming for no fill ins at all during RIP so wish us luck.”
C’ ya
_MaximParticipant„…daca era ceva serios mi-ar fi spus pencilerul. Asta nu inseamna ca
zvonurile nu ar putea fi adevarate dar fi convins ca „moartea” va fi ceva temporar. Eu lucrez ca regular inker incepand cu #674 care trebuie sa-l predau martea viitoare.”POST Scriptum: Tot vorbind de „moartea” lui BATMAN, iata ca a murit ultimiul Joker, Heath Ledger, din „The Dark Knight” de Christopher Nolan.