Sandu Florea

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  • #1857 Răspunde

    Creion: Harvey Tolibao
    Tus: Sandu Florea

    #1858 Răspunde



    #1859 Răspunde

    „AH, BD! arata f.f.f bine!! Felicitari!!…
    Acum lucrez la X-Men Second Coming-Hellbound #3 si tocmai am terminat o pagina (cu filipinezul Harvey Tolibao)…
    Primul numar din serie s-a vandut in cateva ore de la aparitie lucru ce nu s-a mai intamplat niciodata.
    Au scos editia 2-a dupa o saptamana.”

    Way to go, Sandu!
    Te asteptam la MONSTRI (sacri 😀 )

    PS Pagina aia (miam-miam!), o veti vedea la sfarsitul lui iulie, na! 😈

    #1860 Răspunde

    Monstrule sacru

    #1861 Răspunde

    LA MULTI ANI, domnule Sandu Florea!
    Suntem fericiti, noi cei mici,
    ca sunteti roman!
    Felicitari si mult spor la treaba frumoasa,
    pe care o faceti!


    #1862 Răspunde

    Sandu inkuieste tot!
    Si Western…

    …”Rio Chino” story about a Chinese gunslinger in the Old West to „Outlaw Territory,” an anthology edited by the phenomenal Michael Woods that’s coming out in the next month or so. Sean Chen pencilled „Rio Chino,” with inks by Sandu Florea and colors by Chris Sotomayor, and I’m pretty thrilled about it — check out the pretty, pretty page below!

    #1863 Răspunde

    Sandu are un nou colaborator!
    Pencillerul VICTOR DRUJINIU, la un special HULK!

    Pe 12 noiembrie la Salonul European BD de la Bucuresti vor fi expuse cateva planse.


    #1864 Răspunde

    Sandu Florea va fi in Bucuresti, pe 12 Noiembrie, la Salonul European BD
    De la 17:00 la 18:30 la o Masă rotundă “Profil de Bandă Desenată” si de la 18:30 la 19:00 la Decernare premii “Sandu Florea”.

    Vor fi expuse planse originiale, printre care si din cele realizate impreuna cu Vic Drujiniu si… surprize… 😉

    #1865 Răspunde

    Sandu ne-a anuntat ca va veni la Bucuresti pe data de 10 noiembrie si va participa, ca invitat, la Salonul European BD.
    Va aduce cu el 20 de planse originale din productia americana pentru o mica expozitie personala.
    „De asemenea am facut un video la NY COMICCON si la un comic book store din Time Square pe care sper sa le prezint la masa rotunda.”

    Intalnirea cu Sandu Florea are loc vineri 12 noiembrie la Expozitia de la ARTEXPO, MNAC, Teatrul National.

    Dupa care se prezinta AH, BD! si se dau autografe!

    Iata si Trofeul:

    #1866 Răspunde

    de la Alb pencil la Negru ink, un artist complet: SANDU FLOREA

    …saptamana viitoare la Bucuresti!

    EDIT: detalii si poze aici

    #1867 Răspunde

    The Official Sandu Florea Page

    About Sandu Florea

    Sandu Florea

    Sandu Florea is a Romanian and American comic book and comic strip creator, also known as an inker and book illustrator. A trained architect and a presence on the science fiction scene during the 1970s, he became a professional in the comics genre with albums such as Galbar, and was allegedly the only artist to have obtained a steady income in this way during the communist period. A prolific contributor to Romanian children’s magazines, Florea had his activity curbed by communist censorship when he first publicized his intention of emigrating to the United States. He eventually left the country shortly after the 1989 Revolution, and soon after began collaborating with Marvel, DC Comics and other leading enterprises in the field of comic book publishing. He became especially noted for his activities as an inker, with contributions on series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Executioner, X-Men: The End, Batman R.I.P. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl.

    Florea has maintained enduring contacts with his native country, and has taken an initiative in popularizing the American comic book style in Romania. He has been described as one of the most successful among his colleagues, and claimed to be one of the most recognizable Romanians in his field.

    – Early Life and Career in Romania
    – In the United States
    – 2000’s initiatives

    Psgina de Home incepe cu poza de grup de la Salonul European BD de la Bucuresti de anul trecut. 😛

    #1868 Răspunde

    Bravo! Hai sã zicem cã e un act de dreptate care trebuia fãcut de mult timp . Dreptate ºi faþã de Sandu Florea (a cãrui muncã meritã promovatã mai intens) ºi faþã de artiºti, cunoscãtori sau fani BD, care aºteaptã de mult un eveniment ca ãsta. Super treabã. În sfârºit!

    #1869 Răspunde

    „In sfarsit” mi-a venit si mie in minte cand am dat cu ochii de pagina asta.

    Pe de alta parte, 😕 noi ne-am obsinuit sa ne multumim sa vedem ca IN SFARSIT se-nfiripa un lucru, dupa care am tanjit… 8) de bine, de rau

    #1870 Răspunde

    Pagina, la care lucreaza Cosmin Florea, este incompleta, evident, dar merita sa fie de pe acum markata la favorite 😀

    #1871 Răspunde

    Did you know that Sandu Florea is the ONLY Marvel comic book artist that shares a name with a character in the Marvel Universe?

    ‘Sandu Master of the Supernatural’ was created by Marvel comic book legend Stan Lee in 1963, making his first appearance in Journey into Mystery Volume 1, Issue 91 to battle The Mighty Thor!

    A carnival performer with a mind-reading ability, Sandu caught the attention of Loki who sensed great potential in him and increased his powers greatly. Sandu’s new powers included levitation, teleportation, dimension-hopping, and the ability to wipe people’s memories. Sandu soon teleported the sultan’s palace to New York City and declared himself master of the world! He then levitated the United Nations building and threatened to send it into space unless the delegates made him absolute ruler.

    When Thor challenged him, Sandu lifted a building and imprissoned him beneath it. Sandu teleported himself and Thor’s hammer to another dimension but in his attempt to lift the hammer, his powers were exhausted and all his deeds became undone.
    De alte cateva nume „romanesti” (exotice) din productii SF imi amintesc acum: Radu (Star Trek), Inviere (Battle Star Galactica)…

Vizualizare 15 articole - 61 la 75 (din 119 în total)
Răspunde la: Sandu Florea
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