24 Hour Comics Day Day

  • Acest subiect are 78 de răspunsuri, 8 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 10 luni de Sanki.
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  • #197 Răspunde

    What is a 24 hour comic?

    It’s a challenge: one cartoonist tries to create a full 24 page comic, normally months of work, in 24 straight hours

    To create a complete 24 page comic book in 24 continuous hours.

    That means everything: Story, finished art, lettering, colors (if you want ‘em), paste-up, everything! Once pen hits paper, the clock starts ticking. 24 hours later, the pen lifts off the paper, never to descend again. Even proofreading has to occur in the 24 hour period. [Computer-generated comics are fine of course, same principles apply]

    No sketches, designs, plot summaries or any other kind of direct preparation can precede the 24 hour period. Indirect preparation such as assembling tools, reference materials, food, music etc. is fine.

    Your pages can be any size, any material. Carve ‘em in stone; print ‘em with rubber stamps; draw ‘em on your kitchen walls with a magic marker. Anything.

    The 24 hours are continuous. You can take a nap if you like but the clock will continue to tick! If you get to 24 hours and you’re not done, either end it there („the Gaiman Variation”) or keep going until you’re done („the Eastman Variation”). I consider both of these the Noble Failure Variants and true 24 hour comics in spirit; but you must sincerely intend to do the 24 pages in 24 hours at the outset.

    When you’re done, send me a photocopy (or link, in the case of webcomics). Yes, this is actually one of the „rules,” (sometimes referred to as the „Rumpelstiltskin” rule). Inventor’s prerogative! Send your copies (successes and failures alike) to:

    A clarification: a true 24 hour comic is done by one person in 24 hours. The point of a 24 hour comics event is that each person is trying to complete a 24 page comic. Working side by side is a matter of mutual support, not mutual effort.

    That being said, if you and some collaborators really want to work together in a marathon of comic creation, 24 Hour Comics Day seems a great day to do it!
    Note: if you take part in one of the 24 Hour Comics Day events, the sponsoring store or event host will take care of mailing it in for you. And if you’re celebrating 24 Hour Comics Day at home, use this PDF form as a cover sheet to send in your comic and also (if you want) to submit it for possible inclusion in a book.

    If you’re doing a 24 hour comic on any day other than 24 Hour Comics Day, send the results directly to:

    Scott McCloud
    Box 115
    Newbury Park CA 91319

    Thanks, and good luck.

    #764 Răspunde


    At one hour per page, some treat the 24-hour comic as a minimalist excercise – how little can you put on a page and still have it be comics – but I like to think of it in the opposite way; how much can you draw in an hour?! If you think about it, the answer is a lot! Figuring six panels per page that’s ten minutes per panel. Try it yourself. [Yeah, right now!] Draw a box about 3 inches wide, 2 inches tall, set a timer for ten minutes and see how much you can draw. You might surprise yourself.
    As far as planning goes, you can think about it beforehand, but I recommend improvisation as the most satisfying route. Perhaps have some randomizer at startup (like a Pictionary or Tarot Card Deck or a child’s picture book of household objects) to actually prevent you from knowing what the story will be about beforehand. The less you plan, the less likely you are to get frustrated.

    Some have found the exercise is especially fun to do in big groups. Some even chronicle the food they ate, the music they listened to, etc. Doing it alone can be kind of bleak, but also have a peculiar allure and can feel like a rite-of-passage, crossing-the-desert kind of thing. No, really. I’m serious! Oh, never mind….

    My strongest suggestion is: Do it! It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s mind-altering, it’ll teach you all kinds of cool stuff about yourself and – best of all – it’s only one day, so what have you got to lose?



    THE ONLINE VARIATION: The above applies to printed comics or online comics with „pages” but if you’d like to try a 24-hour Online Comic that doesn’t break down into pages (like the expanded canvas approach I use in most of my own webcomics) then try this: At least 100 panels AND it has to be done, formatted and ONLINE within the 24-hour period!

    #765 Răspunde

    In Europa, evenimentul se produce in Franta, la Dijon:
    (de toate despre eveniment)

    Sunt asteptati si desenatorii romani!

    Kenn a fost in Romania la sfarsitul anului trecut si mi-a dat primele amanunte.
    Nimic nu ne impiedica, ba dimpotriva, vom fi sprijiniti, sa organizam IN ROMANIA acest eveniment, pe 23 Aprilie!!


    #766 Răspunde

    DA??? 😯 Si cum vei reusi sa faci asta??

    #767 Răspunde

    …cu ajutorul celor interesati, simplu! …poate chiar la…Caracal*, cu sprijinul municipalitatii, Casei Armatei si lui Viorel Chirea.

    24 HOUR COMICS DAY „…este o provocare personala pentru a crea o Banda Desenata de 24 de pagini in douazeci si patru de ore. Aceasta se desfasoara in mai multe tari din lume. Dijon este singurul oras din Europa care gazduieste acest event.”

    Inititatorul acestei zile este Scott McCloud.

    Mai multe detalii de pe site-urile dedicate eventului si de la Kenn Sebesta, organizator al „Zilei” Europene, cu care am vorbit in urma cu cateva zile si care-si doreste sa aiba participanti si din Romania. Despre desenatorii romani stie prin intermediul albumului Hell/Heaven (waspcomics) si al echipei „AH, BD!”


    *Cand credeam ca iar am luat-o razna, Kenn mi-a citit gandurile: „Si puteti face si la Craiova eventul! Cu atat mai bine!”…sau nici el nu era „sanatos”!?

    #768 Răspunde

    For all those who might be tempted to take me literally, I’m not flexibile enough to bend over backwards.

    But I still really, really, really want to see you guys here. I’ve read some comics from Romania and the former Soviet bloc countries and I was quite impressed by the styles and story lines. Especially the *berger stuff.

    I think you’d be a valuable addition here, and it’ll certainly make the news if there were to be a boatload of Romanians coming to Dijon to participate.


    P.S. If you want to help with this project, I’d greatly appreciate it. Help can come in many forms, but the most obvious are 1.) talking about it to others and 2.) making a flyer/advert/publicité. If you’re going to make a flyer, make it as you like, just as you would the 24 Hour comic. My only request/demand is that you not spend more than *one* hour making it. (Just as you wouldn’t spend more than one hour making each page of a 24 Hour comics.)

    #769 Răspunde

    Bonjour, tout le monde–

    Je suis en train de monter un 24 Hour Comics Day.

    „Mais c’est quoi un 24 Hour Comics Day?” vous vous demandez. Alors, la reponse est simple: un 24 Hour Comics Day est un defi personel ou un artiste, travaillant seul, tente de faire toute une BD de vingt-quatre pages en vingt-quatre heures. Ce defi n’est pas competetif et il n’y a ni gangants ni perdants ni cadeau ni medailles.

    En plus, le defi n’est pas limite aux professionels, au contraire ! On encourage les debutants et amateurs comme les pros. L’objectif est de s’exprimer comme on peut.

    Elle aura lieu le 23-24 avril partout dans le monde, celle-ci etant la toute premiere en Europe.

    On chereche des artistes qui souaitent venir tenter ce defi original. On cherche egalement des gens qui pourraient aider a faire la pub. Comment faire la pub ? C’est simple : si vous trouvez que c’est une bonne idee, parlez-en ! Vu que c’est la premiere en Europe, il est possible de penser a plusieurs dixaines, voir centaine d’artistes. Il y a deja des artistes etrangers qui se sont inscrit. Avec la bouche a l’oreille, et la proximite de Dijon a toute l’Europe, qui sais ou se trouve la limite ??

    Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site officiel, http://www.24hourcomics.com, ou ma traduction non-officiele, http://www.wifi-bourgogne.com/24heures.html.

    Venez, c’est cool !!

    Kenn Sebesta

    P.S. Pour les fautes de grammaire, ne m’en voulez pas. Je ne suis pas francophone mais je me debrouille comme je peux.

    P.S.S. J’ai cree un forum pour organiser du coivoiturage.

    #770 Răspunde

    Kenn m-a rugat sa pun acest text pe cat mai multe site-uri pentru a face cunoscut evenimentul. In Romaneste…si nu numai!
    Va rog sa preluati apelul lui si sa-l dati mai departe.

    Kenn: „Don’t forget to have all interested comers check out the covoiturage page. From Timisuara to Dijon took only 15 hours and 200$ in fuel and tolls. Not bad when you compare it to the cost and time spent in a bus, eh?

    Furthermore, if you know any other sites where I could leave a forum
    post such as this one,
    http://bda.creamen.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3698, lemme know.”

    Is it $ or EUR?

    Kenn: „Lastly, it’s in euro. Even when I say dollars, I mean euro. I’m still
    in a world where the dollar and the euro are the same thing and
    Americans actually gave a damn about the other 6 billion people living on this planet. Unfortunately, this world only existed for about 2 years, from

    #771 Răspunde

    Ar fi, deocamdata, trei participanti romani: Corto* (Cristian Loghin, Cracovia), Eric Desideriu* (Munchen), Gospo* (Catalin Gospodin, Bucuresti)

    Gospo:”Tocmai am vazut ! intru si eu in joc 🙂 .Sper sa se tina si in romania si sa fie cat mai multe persoane . Astept mai multe detalii despre locatie ,sa stabilit sau inca este in „constructie”. Am citit despre ce e vorba( super idea) , o persona sa faca un BD in 24 ore UUUU imi place !!!
    AAA DA !… M-am apucat de flyer si apoi am citit indicatia lui Kenn (sa fie facut in max 1 ora ) asaa ca ma apuc maine din nou. Sper sa pot face si niste stickere sa le pot lipi prin metrou cu riscul de a lua bataie de la bodygarzi.”

    Droopy*: „Daaaa, lux, si io vreau, da nu acuma ca vine sesiunea. Prin vacanta, ceva, ma inchid intr-o camera si vad eu ce iese. Oricum, si daca nu termini in 24 de ore, macar faci un pic de antrenament. Si dupa cate zic aia care o-ncercat, merita.
    Asa ca, bagati mare, copii (aia care aveti vreme).”

    DreamWave, incearca si tu un desen (poster, fluturas, sticker) pentru promovarea evenimentului de la Dijon!

    *sunt artisti prezenti pe visualart.ro

    #772 Răspunde


    (Cand credeam ca iar am luat-o razna, Kenn mi-a citit gandurile: „Si puteti face si la Craiova eventul! Cu atat mai bine!”…sau nici el nu era „sanatos”!?)

    Heeeeeyyyyy…. I didn’t say that. I know this because I don’t speak Romanian.

    And now you’re stealin’ my artists. Hmpf.

    Seriously, that’s absolutely marvelous that there will be a 24 Hour Comics Day in Romania, too. (I did read that last post right, right?) If I can help in any way, let me know. My brother knows the guys who organize it in America, if that’s any use.

    Still, I hope that there at least a couple Romanians come to my one in Dijon, if for no other reason than to hobnob a little with the French artists. Plus, the French have got better cheese than you guys, no offense intended.

    So y’all come down now, ya hear?


    P.S. Oh, yeah, don’t forget to register on my forum for car-pooling. I just got back from Romania on Friday and the 15 hour trip (from Timisuara) only cost about 200euro in gas and tolls. This comes out to 100euro per person round-trip. It would be even cheaper if someone had a van. 😀

    #773 Răspunde

    Eh-ehh…Brutal competition in Romania for you, Kenn! RaaahAhAh!!

    Now, you know that if there is a 24 Hour Comics in Romania, the attendants will be only those who, for various reasons (financially, mostly), cannot participate in the Dijon event – and this would be more like a „rehearsal”… warming up! 😈

    #774 Răspunde

    Yap! Vreau sa particip si eu! Volio anche io! I’m innn!!!!

    #775 Răspunde

    I’m in !!! 🙂 Dariz credeam ca sunt singurul 🙂 bine ca ai venit si tu 🙂

    #776 Răspunde

    Gospo a ridicat o GREA problema. Heavy, man, heavy! Transportul…Adica „covoiturage”
    Kenn a verificat deja. El a plecat din Romania in masina. De la Timisoara la Dijon, a calculat el, l-a costat 200EUR (benzina, taxe de drum…)
    Covoiturage (termen francez: participarea financiara a persoanelor care impart aceeasi masina pe un parcurs) asta e solutia: 4 (5?) persoane intr-un automobil.
    Gospo si Dariz, voi plecati din Bucuresti impreuna. Hai sa vedem cine mai pleaca din Bucuresti! Cineva cu o masina…E mai ieftin (SI MAI RAPID) decat cu autobuzul. Vom vedea si ce curse de bus sunt, totusi…
    Acolo, la Dijon, sau imprejurimi, se va gasi gazduire fara probleme (financiare) – si despre asta vom vorbi aici.
    Kenn will enter this forum, too, so let us use English or French.
    He and myself will answer your questions…

    #777 Răspunde

    Nu ma apuc sa scriu in engleza ca stau o mie de ani ca sa scriu corect (scuze)
    Ok 200Euro nu-i asa o problema dar trebuie gasita o masina pe care eu nu o am, si cum am mai zis sa mai mearga lume ca singur nu prea m-si duce .
    Dariz man ai chef de franta?

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