Ce filme am mai vãzut

  • Acest subiect are 111 răspunsuri, 7 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 3 ani, 4 luni de Aghiutza.
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  • #2862 Răspunde

    “…Wherever he laid his hat was his home!”
    (Papa was a rolling stone – Temptations)
    Papa was a rolling stone
    Wherever he laid his hat was his home
    And when he died
    All he left us was alone

    adevarat…trist…frumos… Cum se face ca aste trei merg impreuna?

    Am facut rost de mai multe episoade din Family Guy si mi le administrez zilele astea…

    mda, in ultima vreme, am vazut mai mult seriale, care-mi ritmeaza viata, care… fill in the blanks!
    tristement chtarbé, hein? :->

    “chartbe” e nou

    #2863 Răspunde

    Memoirs Of A Geisha
    In 1929 o fetita foarte saraca pe nume Chiyo provenita dintr-un sat pescaresc este vanduta unei case de geishe din districtul Gion, Kyoto si este supusa unui tratament barbar de catre proprietarii sai si e geisha sefa Hatsumomo. Frumusetea ei uluitoare atrage gelozia lui Hatsumomo, asta pana cand este gasita si ingrijita de rivala lui Hatsumoto, Mameha. Sub indrumarea ei, Chiyo devine geisha numita Sayuri, antrenata in toate metodele sociale si artistice pe care o geisha trebuie sa le detina pentru a supravietui in acea societyate. Ca o geisha de prestigiu ea intra intr-o lume a bogatiei, a privilegiilor, si a intrigilor politice. Dar vietile celor din lumea geishelor este schimbata pentru totdeauna atunci cand Al Doilea Razboi Mondial se afla la usa Japoniei.
    Li Gong (Hatsumomo)
    Michelle Yeoh (Mameha)
    Ken Watanabe (Chairman)
    Zhang Ziyi (Sayuri)

    Acelasi gen cu Memoirs of a Geisha:
    Mesaj de departe
    Rugul vanitosilor
    Pasiuni trecatoare
    Teoria Conspiratiei

    Nu pare a fi un film pentru “barbati” B-) insa, la final, ajungi sa te intrebi daca traditia este un lucru bun sau rau si cu siguranta, iti doresti sa ….

    #2864 Răspunde

    Si tinind ritmul de comedie muzicala, viata dupa Monty Python:
    Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true,
    You’ll see it’s all a show,
    Keep ’em laughing as you go.
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

    And always look on the bright side of life…
    ( fluierind moderato allegro)
    Always look on the bright side of life
    si tine isonul, inca o data si alta data sa o facem si mai lata.
    Oh,God, please once more, implora Stewie, bebeul cavernos si diabolic al familiei Griffin, hipnotizat si el in fata diabetizantelor creaturi numite Teletubbies. Cel mai simplu este ca altcineva sa schimbe canalul pentru tine.

    #2865 Răspunde

    in doua saptamani vad Broken Flowers
    am gasit un comentariu interesant deja:

    Lost in Carnations by benjoabby (movies profile) Aug 8, 2005

    there’s an established trade-off in hollywood: slow-paced movies are generally plausible while slick, fast-paced movies often have contrived dialogue and story inconsistencies. this is the first movie i’ve ever seen that plods along at a turtle’s pace but also has completely uncredible characters and story. not one bit of dialogue in this movie seems like it could come from a real person, but since there are gorgeous women who inexplicably throw themselves at bill murray, this movie is evidently not grounded in reality. the story has no point and pay-off, though i’m sure that will generate a buz at hip coffee-houses. i’m sick of the indie arthouse trick of director’s leaving things to the viewer’s imagiantion. it’s a copout for not having a good story. jarmusch needs to post his IQ on the internet instead of trying to show everybody how smart he is with each movie he makes. this film is a poor man’s hybrid of “lost in translation,” “about schmidt” and “sideways.” if you want to see murray stare off into oblivion in various settings (cars, airplanes, dark living rooms, this is the movie for you.

    E UN UNGHI DE VEDERE IMPORTANT in perceperea produselor artistice, “astazi”

    #2866 Răspunde

    All you need is Murray (Bill Groundhog-Day, Ghostbustin’-ass Murray!) and a camera:
    The Private Life of Dom Juan aka Don Johnston sounds almost like don johnson, cu jingle de Miami Vice in spate, asa ca punem accentul pe t.
    Ce-a avut si ce-a pierdut de sta melancolic catatonic, cu miinile impreunate pe canapea, in trening si adidasi, gata sa se transforme in statuie…..

    Words disappear
    Words weren’t so clear
    Only echos passing through the night
    The lines on my face
    Your fingers once traced
    Fading reflection of what was

    Thoughts rearrange
    Familiar now strange
    All my skin
    Is drifting on the wind
    Spring brings the rain
    With winter comes pain
    Every season has an end

    I try to see through the disguise
    But the clouds were there
    Bocking out the sun
    The sun

    Thoughts rearrange
    Familiar now strange
    All my skin is drifting on the wind
    Spring brings the rain
    With winter comes pain
    Every season has an end

    There’s an end even if you’re the last dandy on earth….
    Some Bill advice:” Well, the past is gone, I know that. The future isn’t here yet, whatever it’s going to be.So, all there is, is this. The present. That’s it.”

    Si de la Schmidt citire, deoarce comparatia e indreptatita: “I know we’re all pretty small in the big scheme of things,and I suppose the most you can hope for is to make some kind of difference, but what kind of difference have I made? What in the world is better because of me?
    Relatively soon, I will die. Maybe in 20 years, maybe tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. Once I am dead and everyone who knew me
    dies too, it will be as though I never existed. What difference has my life made to anyone. None that I can think of. None at all. “

    Do Make Say Think
    And Want and Walk
    On a Two-Lane Blacktop

    One for the road
    Two for the show
    Put on some etiopian music
    Despre comentariul scris in rosu nu cred ca e parerea cea mai indreptatita.
    Si daca incepem cu the “arthouse trick” conceptualul versus the good old story hai sa nu-l aratam cu degetul pe Jarmusch, ca musca tare, he’s one mad dog!

    #2867 Răspunde

    @Cristina wrote:

    Despre comentariul scris in rosu nu cred ca e parerea cea mai indreptatita.
    Si daca incepem cu the “arthouse trick” conceptualul versus the good old story hai sa nu-l aratam cu degetul pe Jarmusch, ca musca tare, he’s one mad dog!

    E-o clearcutcubata-nbalta distinctie hollywoodiana. Nu este o parere indreptatita, venind din cealalta parte a…distinctiei (acestea)…Love it or hate it

    #2868 Răspunde

    Mutam discutia la “Imagine in miscare”, m?

    #2869 Răspunde

    Mdeah, good idea.. Done.

    #2870 Răspunde

    LOST is Found Here:
    Pentru fanii LOST (cu sau fara Bonica Marladeanu):
    Pentru a treia oara consecutiv, membrii ai echipei vor fi prezenti la Conventia BD de la San Diego!
    Aici: http://www.comic-con.org/cci/cci06prog_lost.shtml si interviuri exclusive cu scenaristii Damon Lindelof si Carlton Cuse, actorul Jorge Garcia

    #2871 Răspunde

    Oh yeah, you catched me here.. :))

    #2872 Răspunde

    ba nu, anti-topic:
    in sfarsit voi obtine o copie a unui film pe care abia astept sa-l vad.
    Un prieten suedez m-a rugat de-acum 2 ani sa i-l fac rost.

    Este un film al unui regizor roman, turnat in Romania! De unde si curiozitatea…

    #2873 Răspunde

    … si curiozitatea noastra, ca n-am auzit de el.. pana acum. 😀

    #2874 Răspunde

    Poate-l vedem de Sarbatori…:)
    Bogdan Dumitrescu, pe care l-am “ratat” cand a fost in Bucuresti 2 zile (ultimele zile de la Salonul BD, cand am fost si eu acolo), a facut cateva filme in tara in anii 90, care au fost distribuite de o casa de productie germana – dupa cum se vede si din afis. Si a fost prezentat la festivaluri europene. De-asta este cunoscut mai mult in strainatate. De fapt, si alti regizori romani, care lucreaza acum in Romania, sunt mai cunoscuti in afara…
    Bogdan mai este cunoscut si ca Bogdan Dreyer si acum lucreaza mai putin in tara. In Bucuresti venea din Italia, de la filmari…
    Seven underprivileged Romanian children embark upon a naive adventure to the sea and learn about the darker aspects of the adult world in this children’s drama. The seven ragamuffins are delighted when they stumble upon a hidden Jaguar convertible. Without hesitation they get behind the wheel. Their leader, Fane, though he can barely peer above the dashboard, is not deterred and together they set off across the countryside. The group outcast, Sisi, was not invited so he hid in the Jag’s trunk where he discovers a gun and other suspicious items. He is soon allowed to sit with the others. While driving, they encounter a sign telling them the sea is only 42 km. These poor children have never been to the ocean, and so immediately head there. They have fun at first, but then the inevitable power struggles ensue. The one girl begins to use her charms to manipulate the others. When two children mysteriously disappear, none of the others is terribly concerned. They only care about themselves. Eventually they make it to the sea and their joy is immense. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

    #2875 Răspunde

    De ce la HBO este “film de noapte”??

    #2876 Răspunde

    M-am hot?rît s? ?in un fel de jurnal, pentru a contoriza filmele v?zute într-un an. Statistic vorbind, nu o s? fac mai mult de a nota titlul filmului ?i posibil luna, s-ar putea chiar s? nici nu duc chestia la sfâr?it, dar comparativ, mi s-ar p?rea interesant s? fac în paralel o list? cu c?r?ile citite într-un an. Nu m? îngrijoreaz? o posibil? dependen??, dar îmi va servi în caz de amnezie sau Alzheimer. Am început anul pe final de Conspirators of Pleasure de Jan Svankmajer
    Apoi, început Fando y Lis de Jodorowsky, primul lui film, cred. ?!No way, attention disorder strikes back, or is it wine, or is it just unwatchable?!
    În traducere liber? n-am rezistat mai mult de 10 minute, bomb?nind ceva de La Strada, Freaks ?i Holy Mountain tot de senor Jodo…hocus fluxus halucinantus!
    A?a c? schimb macazul cu A Night to Casablanca de fra?ii Marx ?i curg gagurile ?i lacrimile de râs.
    A prairie Home Companian, a must see, ultimul Altman (RIP), a se recomanda d-lui Porumboiu, pentru mai multe planuri ?i idei în a reproduce în timp real o emisiune.
    Ice Age, a în?pea oar?, e de sezon, oricum.
    Glen or Glenda de Ed Wood (Pull the strings, Pull the strings) Brave, how brave,avînd în vedere epoca. R?mâne întrebarea a fost sau n-a fost un geniu neîn?eles?…NOT!
    The Thomas Crown Affair McQueen+Dunaway= cocktail senzual sobru class glam turnat ca un clip, split screen rules!
    Torn Curtain Hitchcock Newman ?i Mary Poppins… Houston, we have a problem! Timp de or?, nu mi-am dat seama c? m? uitam la un film de Hitchcock.
    Funny Face de Stanley Donen lejer aerian suplu sublim Hepburn breton think pink and dance
    Shallow Hal de Farrelly Bros …NOT!
    A fost sau n-a fost? (filmul anului) Amuzant pe alocuri, dar votez nu, din p?cate, pentru idea planului fix timp de aproape 45 de minute. Hai s? l?sam neo-realismul pu?in de o parte ?i lungile monoloage studen?ilor la teatru.
    Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien de Dominik Moll, merde alors, un thriller fran?uzesc reu?it!
    Everyone says I love you!Everyone loves going to costume parties dressed up as Groucho!
    Aristocats miaouuu…

    Cam ?sta e bilan?ul provizoriu!

    Ruleaz?, d-le, ruleaz?!

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