Concursuri, festivaluri…

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  • #2054 Răspunde

    Multumim, Axle!

    Concurs BD

    Anul aceasta Scoala BD “Nikola Mitrovic-Kokan” din Leskovac si Centrul cultural din Leskovac va organiza cea de-a 10-a editie “Balkanska smotra mladih strip autora”(Adunarea Balcanica a tinerilor tineri autori de BD).
    Ain perioada 4-6 Iulie 2008, la Centrul cultural, Muzeul Popular si in Biblioteca “Radoje Domanovic”.

    Si la aceasta editie va fi organizat concursul de BD, la categorie de tineri autori pana la varsta de 30 de ani:
    – desenator de BD
    – ilustrator de BD
    – scenarist de BD
    – critic de BD
    Toate lucrarile BD vor fi expuse la galeria din Centrul cultural, toti participanti vor primi catalogul manifestarii si cate o diploma.
    Participantii care nu participa la concurs adica acei peste 30 de ani, sunt bineveniti sa trimite propriile lucrari bedeistice care vor fi si ele expuse la galerie impreuna cu cele din concurs.
    In acele trei zile bedeistice vor fi multe evenimente, expozitii, promovari BD, mese rotunde, proiectii de filme de BD, reviste,c arti BD…

    Pentru participantii la concurs conditiile sunt:
    – autori pana la varsta de 30 de ani in toate categoriile
    – stilurile, genurile si formatele de BD sunt la alegere,
    – min. 2 planse alb negru sau color
    – originalele sunt preferate dar se pot trimite si fotocopii de calitate
    – data limita este 20.06.2008.
    – toate lucrarile BD vor fi inapoiate autorilor dupa o luna impreuna cu catalogul manifestarii

    Toate lucrarile se vor trimite la adresa:
    Marko Stojanovic
    Nikole Skobaljica 13/25
    16000 LESKOVAC

    Eu am depasit varsta de…ceva vreme si voi participa “hors-concours” 🙂

    #2055 Răspunde

    Poate participa in concurs un desenator care colaboreaza cu, 😀 sa zicem, un scenarist care are peste 30 de ani?

    am gasit pe un forum indicatia asta
    Scenariji i teorijski tekstovi se mogu slati na
    E buna adresa de email pentru trimiterea textelor teoretice si scenariilor (in engleza?)

    #2056 Răspunde

    SOUND GOOD!…and looks nice 😀

    #2057 Răspunde
    axle munshine

    @Maxim wrote:

    Poate participa in concurs un desenator care colaboreaza cu, 😀 sa zicem, un scenarist care are peste 30 de ani?

    Da,poate,fara probleme…concursul este separat pentru desenatori si scenaristii… 😀

    am gasit pe un forum indicatia asta
    Scenariji i teorijski tekstovi se mogu slati na
    E buna adresa de email pentru trimiterea textelor teoretice si scenariilor (in engleza?)

    Adresa nu e corecta,este

    #2058 Răspunde

    Multzam, Axle.
    Ce stii despre scoala BD “Nikola Mitrovic-Kokan”?
    Am cautat pe net, dar n-am gasit decat cateva referiri la Nikola Mitrovic-Kokan pe un site de “vesti” despre “stripovi” 😀 , iar sarbeasca mea (ca si “sarba” 😛 ) a cam ruginit de cand nu mai am antena “pe sarbi”.

    #2059 Răspunde

    A aparut un nou numar al revistei online de literatura SF si Fantasy “Nautilus”
    /www.nautilus. care, pe langa reflectarea starii “la zi” din fandomul SF romanesc, anunta si un concurs, respectiv, editarea unui almanah de profil:

    * 31 mai 2008 este ultimul termen la care se mai primesc materiale pentru Almanahul Nautilus. Sunt asteptate pe adresa povestiri SF sau fantasy, benzi desenatesi ilustratii.

    * Editura Nemira lanseazã concursul de debut în roman F&SF pe anul 2008. Manuscrisele vor fi trimise pana la 1 august 2008 pe adresa , avand in subject: CONCURS NAUTILUS – titlul romanului.

    #2060 Răspunde

    ‘NEW CREATORS’- Bitola -Macedonia

    The ‘Byzant’—Visual Art Center is organizing the 10-th Annual international Comic art exhibition to be held in Prilep, Macedonia.

    The theme is ‘DREAMLAND’-( Dreams, life, borders, walls, war, sex, food, sports, people, zoo, natural… etc from your country)

    1. Participation is open to all artists of comics that currently publish or have published in national or international mass media and not published.

    2. Participation will consist of an entry on the topic: “DREAMLAND”. The format can be 21 x 29,7cm – A4 Gallery formate. Send only good laser copy and original (original will not return).

    Each work must bear the signature or initials of the artist at the front, with name, surname, adress, short biography-photo, telephone numberand e-mail address indicated on the back.

    3. The entries should be packaged to protect the contents. The organization recommends placing the entry between two pieces of cardboard.
    Shipping will be paid by the participant. On packaged sign: ‘PRINT OUT OF VALUE’. The organization is not responsible for any damage due ti shipment.

    4. August 28th is the deadline for resident authors in Balkans, and July 21th for participants of other countries. The entries must be sent to the following address:
    ‘VIZANT’-Balcan Comic Art Center
    ‘Dimo Narednikot’;58
    7500-Prilep, MACEDONIA
    Attn: comic plant
    Contact person :Atlas

    5. The entries selected by the Committee will be displayed in the 10th annual international exhibition of comic Arts.
    6. The entries will become part of the ‘Byzant’ – visual art center archive. The entries may be displayed in all the premises of the ‘Vizant’-Visual Art center in itinerant exhibitions, and in other publications realated to the festival.

    7. The “Vizant’ – Visual Art center has the right to reproduce and circulate the entries, whenever the authors’s name appears and the main objective is the dissemination of the exhibition or the participation in other activities of the ‘Vizant’ – Art center general in area of art comix, that is to say, catalogues, posters ,the press, web pages, etc… without generating any obligation towards the participating authors.

    8. The organization will communicate through its web page or by means of letter the name of the authors whose entry has been received as well as the names of the selected entries. The authors will be informed of accommodation conditions if they want attend the exhibition opening or any acttivities parallel to this event.

    9. Once the exhibition has closed in Bitola, Prilep, Veles, all the authors whose work has been selected will receive a copy of the publication made for the

    10. The organization reserves the right to not exibit those entries considered to be an affront to individual or collective rights.

    11. Awards:
    Special awards and invited to 7 artists on international comic art collony in Bitola and Prilep – (Marble sea) -Macedonia traveling expenses, visa, accomodation is a to ensure from organizateur.

    12. Participation in the exhibition means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions.


    #2061 Răspunde

    Aleksandar Sotirovski(1971) is a Macedonian illustrator and comic artist who for the past eighteen years has contributed substantially to the raising of his country’s standards in this field. His impressive opus, stemming from his enormous creative energy, surprises us time and again with its freshness, humor and the lucidity of the graphic solutions he presents. In viewing Mr. Sotirovski’s works, one becomes aware of their firm roots in the local tradition, as well as in the original methods by which he skillfully builds upon those traditions, clearly demonstrating, that any innovation in the arts “inevitably sets the course for the future”, while “keeping the past well in sight”… (fragment of review by Nenad Vujadinovic)

    #2062 Răspunde
    axle munshine

    Concurs BD
    XI Balkanska smotra mladih strip autora-Leskovac,SRBIJA

    Si anul acesta Scoala BD “Nikola Mitrovic-Kokan” din Leskovac si Centrul cultural din Leskovac va organiza cea de-a 11-a editie “Balkanska smotra mladih strip autora”(Salonul Balcanic a tinerilor autori de BD).
    Salonul va fi organizat in perioada de 17-19 Iulie 2009., la Centrul cultural, Muzeul Popular si in Biblioteca “Radoje Domanovic”.

    Si la aceasta editie va fi organizat concursul de BD, la categorie de tineri autori pana la varsta de 30 de ani:
    – desenator de BD
    – ilustrator de BD
    – scenarist de BD
    – critic de BD
    Toate lucrarile BD vor fi expuse la galeria din Centrul cultural, toti participanti vor primi catalogul manifestarii si cate o diploma.
    Participantii care nu participa la concurs,adica acei peste 30 de ani, sunt bineveniti sa trimite propriile lucrari bedeistice care vor fi si ele expuse la galerie impreuna cu cele din concurs.
    In acele trei zile bedeistice vor fi multe evenimente, expozitii, promovari BD, mese rotunde, proiectii de filme de BD, reviste,carti BD…

    Pentru participantii la concurs conditiile sunt:
    – autori pana la varsta de 30 de ani in toate categoriile
    – stilurile, genurile si formatele de BD sunt libere,
    – min. 2 planse alb negru sau color
    – originalele sunt preferate dar se pot trimite si fotocopii de calitate
    – data limita pentru trimiterea lucralilor este 10.07.2009.
    – toate lucrarile BD vor fi inapoiate autorilor dupa o luna impreuna cu catalogul manifestarii

    Sunt invitati toti autori din zona balcanica,toate scolile BD si toti amatori de BD sa participe la acest eveniment.

    Toate lucrarile se vor trimite la adresa:
    Škola stripa „Nikola Mitrović Kokan“
    Leskovački Kulturni Centar
    Trg Oslobođenja 101
    16000 Leskovac

    Informatii suplimentare la adresele (Marko Stojanović),in limba engleza,si la (Dragan Predić),in limba romana.

    #2063 Răspunde

    This year, as in past years, we will be holding the International Cartoon Competition in Haifa under the auspices of the “Pencom” Association of Israel Caricaturists, Haifa Municipality and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Mayor of Haifa, Mr. Yona Yahav, is requesting to include this year several renowned caricaturists from different countries on the Judging Committee.

    The Romanian Cartoonist Mr. Florian Doru, from Romania is one of the members of the Judging Committee

    Please try to promote our Cartoon contest during this coming week
    The Entry Dead line is: July 10

    Cartoons may be submitted by email too as Jpg Files or PDF FILES -Resolution 300 Dpi
    We are printing Digital copies for the Judging Process
    Please write me down your Cell No, FAX No. and phone at your Office
    For further information please call me to 0544913383 Fax: 04 – 8357984

    Best Regards

    Ronit Eshet
    Coordinator of the International Cartoon Contest
    Haifa, Israel

    Every artist should fill in the Entry Form and return:
    Name of artist: ______________ Address: ____________
    Country: _________ Professional/position: _____________
    Fax: __________ Tel.: _________
    Email_____________ Web site__________________
    Curriculum Vitae ___________Art Studies Degree _________Art Prizes Abroad

    Premiul I : 500$
    Premiul II : 300$
    Premiul III: 200$

    #2064 Răspunde

    banda desenata de craciun cu lupi si brazi
    17-20 decembrie

    4 zile de un fel de targ de Craciun sub forma de festival de benzi desenate, cu noutati speciale si nenumarate, promotii de sezon, mini-cadouri, surprize, 3 expozitii, 2 lansari, customizare de urban toys si o ocazie unica de a intalni autorii autohtoni – cu carti in librarie – intr-o sesiune exceptionala de dedicatii.

    Joi, 17/12, deschis 13.00-22.00
    19.00 – avanpremiera Pisica patrata cu Editura Vellant
    20.00 – sesiune de dedicatii: Ciubi cu 4 titluri, Matei Branea cu 3, Iulian Fratila, Oana Lohan, personajul Manuel din Stramb life al lui Brynjar Bandlien, Gili Mocanu si o pletora de autori din colectivele Zi-ne, Hardcomics, Glorioasa fanzina si Clubul Ilustratorilor

    Vineri, 18/12, deschis 13.00-21.00
    19.00 – lansare Zi-ne number FIVE!!!

    Sambata, 19/12, deschis 12.00-19.00
    14.00 – conferinta de presa cu vernisaj pentru Istoria literaturii romane in banda desenata de Luca Dinulescu (text) si Mihai Grajdeanu (desen)

    Duminica, 20/12, deschis 12.00-21.00
    12.00 – 14.00, ceva pentru copii: atelier de desen cu Clubul Ilustratorilor si prezentare de carti pentru copii de toate varstele

    Expozitii de acum pana la sfarsitul anului:
    Aooleu is not dead
    Istoria literaturii romane in banda desenata de Luca Dinulescu si Mihai Grajdeanu
    Ciutanul de Mihai Grajdeanu
    Cafe Lente
    Praporgescu 31, Bucuresti

    #2065 Răspunde

    Le Grand prix de la Ville d’Angouleme 2010, qui récompense un auteur de bande dessinée pour l’ensemble de son oeuvre, a été attribué dimanche a Baru, a annoncé le jury en clôture du 37e Festival international de bande dessinée de la ville.
    De son vrai nom Hervé Baruléa, Baru, 62 ans, est l’auteur depuis les années 1980 de nombreux albums centrés notamment sur le monde de l’adolescence. Le prix lui a été remis lors de la cérémonie de clôture par le ministre de la Culture, Frédéric Mitterrand. Baru est notamment l’auteur de Roulez jeunesse (1991) et de L’autoroute du soleil en 1996. Ses albums sont publiés aux éditions Casterman.

    Une planche de l’album “Noir”, représentant un président-dictateur.

    Le Prix du meilleur album a été décerné à Pascal Brutal T3 (Fluide Glacial) de Riad Sattouf, qui est également l’auteur du film Les beaux gosses sorti en 2009. Parmi les nombreuses récompenses, Camille Jourdy a reçu le prix Révélation pour Rosalie Blum T3, chez Actes Sud.

    #2066 Răspunde

    Angouleme, din nou in debandada desenata!

    (stanga sus, Blutch, presedintele acestei editii)

    #2067 Răspunde

    Lume, lume…

    #2068 Răspunde

    …lume buna: Crumb, Dumnezeu, Bilal, Moebius, Mezieres… Leonard si discipolul…

Vizualizare 15 articole - 31 la 45 (din 72 în total)
Răspunde la: Răspuns #2056 în Concursuri, festivaluri…
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