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  • #3341 Răspunde

    Introducing the Baen Free Library
    by Eric Flint
    Baen Books is now making available — for free — a number of its titles in electronic format. We’re calling it the Baen Free Library. Anyone who wishes can read these titles online — no conditions, no strings attached. (Later we may ask for an extremely simple, name & email only, registration. ) Or, if you prefer, you can download the books in one of several formats. Again, with no conditions or strings attached. (URLs to sites which offer the readers for these format are also listed. )

    Why are we doing this? Well, for two reasons.

    The first is what you might call a “matter of principle.” This all started as a byproduct of an online “virtual brawl” I got into with a number of people, some of them professional SF authors, over the issue of online piracy of copyrighted works and what to do about it.

    There was a school of thought, which seemed to be picking up steam, that the way to handle the problem was with handcuffs and brass knucks. Enforcement! Regulation! New regulations! Tighter regulations! All out for the campaign against piracy! No quarter! Build more prisons! Harsher sentences!

    Alles in ordnung!

    #3342 Răspunde

    Look! Look!Solii amazonului tocmai au depus ofranda asta în bra?ele mele:
    Nu ?tiam cu ce s? încep un ciclu Terry Pratchett a?a c? am ales la feeling Good Omens poate ?i pentru c? e contrapunctat de Neil Gaiman.
    M?car s? citesc un fantasy de gradul III, suprafantezist. ?i dac? e s? fie british, atunci s? fie python, monty niiiiii python.
    Apropo de MP, Terry Gilliam cump?rase undeva, cândva, drepturile ?i urma s?-l transpun? dar…. în r?stimp s-a luat la trânt? cu cavalerii lui Ni ?i s-a cam împotmolit.
    Sper s? nu m? împotmolesc ?i eu în lectur?.
    Cronicile sunt dumnezeie?ti ?i spiritele lui Chesterton, DeLillo sau Pynchon o s? se n?pusteasc? asupra celor care deschid cartea! But, I will survive!
    Welcome to Hell!
    Fantastiquement votre,

    #3343 Răspunde

    There is a distinct hint of Armageddon in the air. According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (recorded, thankfully, in 1655, before she blew up her entire village and all its inhabitants, who had gathered to watch her burn), the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. So the armies of Good and Evil are amassing, the Four Bikers of the Apocalypse are revving up their mighty hogs and hitting the road, and the world’s last two remaining witch-finders are getting ready to fight the good fight, armed with awkwardly antiquated instructions and stick pins. Atlantis is rising, frogs are falling, tempers are flaring. . . . Right. Everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan.
    Except that a somewhat fussy angel and a fast-living demon — each of whom has lived among Earth’s mortals for many millennia and has grown rather fond of the lifestyle — are not particularly looking forward to the coming Rapture. If Crowley and Aziraphale are going to stop it from happening, they’ve got to find and kill the Antichrist (which is a shame, as he’s a really nice kid). There’s just one glitch: someone seems to have misplaced him. . . .
    First published in 1990, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s brilliantly dark and screamingly funny take on humankind’s final judgment is back — and just in time — in a new hardcover edition (which includes an introduction by the authors, comments by each about the other, and answers to some still-burning questions about their wildly popular collaborative effort) that the devout and the damned alike will surely cherish until the end of all things.
    Critical Praise
    “The Apocalypse has never been funnier.”— Clive Barker
    “Hilariously naughty.”— Kirkus Reviews
    “Wacky and irreverent.”— Booklist

    #3344 Răspunde

    A aparut ‘Paradoxurile timpului in science-fiction’, un inedit volum de istorie, teorie si critica literara semnat de universitarul clujean Cornel Robu.
    Noua carte a crescut de sine statatoare dintr-un capitol scos (din motive de spatiu neincapator) din impresionantul studiu ‘O cheie pentru science-fiction’, premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania, filiala Cluj, pentru anul 2004.
    Puteti sa va faceti o idee asupra demersului riguros savant si a familiaritatii ludice cu care autorul porneste in cautarea sublimului provocat de simtamantul uimirii (sense of wonder), citind fragmentele aparute in revista Pro-Scris:
    Ea poate fi comandata prin e-mail la
    sau la adresa Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta, B-dul Eroilor nr.6-8, 400129 Cluj, jud. Cluj, tel./fax. (0264) 431.920.

    #3345 Răspunde

    Antarg SF impreuna cu editura ALTUM pregateste aparitia antologiei de science fiction TITANIA.
    Toti cei care doresc sa participe cu texte, le pot trimite pe adresa antargsf@as. ro, locatie la care se pot discuta si detaliile.
    Daca nu functioneaza (s-a mai intamplat din pacate), atunci putem discuta si pe adresa privata, cu rugamintea sa mai insistati: e posibil sa-mi mai scape din mesaje.
    Deadline: 25. 02. 2007
    Succes !

    Posted by: “Cezar Mazilu”

    #3346 Răspunde

    A aparut un nou numar (6/2007) al revistei municipale lunare de cultura Banat – Lugoj, in cuprinsul caruia se regasesc semnaturile mai multor colegi de lista, cu proza SF si non-SF: Constantin Buiciuc, Cristian Ghinea, Florin Contrea si Laurentiu Nistorescu.

    Si cel mai recent numar al revistei Arcade de Strehaia (1/2007) publica autori SF de Timisoara si Lugoj: Cristian Ghinea, Augustin Popescu si Laurentiu Nistorescu.

    #3347 Răspunde

    L’Actualite de l’imaginaire

    Khimaira : LE magazine des Imaginaires !
    Toute la Fantasy, le Fantastique et la Science-Fiction au travers d’interviews et d’articles explosifs !
    A travers 100 pages richement illustrées, Khimaira s’adresse aux passionnés d’Imaginaire que ce soit en littérature, en bande dessinée mais également en cinéma, musique et jeux.
    Vous y découvrirez les interviews de célébrités comme Farland, Pratchett, Arleston, Masterton, John Howe, Robin Hobb, Epica, Ange, Siudmak, Curval, Mike Mignola, Within Temptation, Hideo Nakata, Ayerdhal, Van Hamme, Poppy Z. Brite… Ainsi que des avant-premieres et de nombreux inédits.
    Pour chaque numéro, un dossier spécifique décortique un theme précis (Vampires, Sorcieres, Space Opera, Dragons…). Sans oublier de superbes nouvelles d’auteurs francophones (Roland C. Wagner, Léa Silhol, Thomas Day…) et d’auteurs anglophones (Resnick, Tem…).
    Et toujours des dizaines de chroniques livres, musique, bande dessinée, manga, comics, jeux, DVD…
    • un magazine UNIQUE en son genre
    • large diffusion (France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse, Canada…)
    • toute l’actu SF, fantasy, fantastique
    • un monde d’images et de mots FANTASTIQUES !

    Khimaira: THE fantasy and science-fiction magazine !
    Interviews and mind blowing articles about Fantasy and Science Fiction.
    Khimaira, a magazine that counts 100 richly illustrated pages, is the ultimate magazine for those fascinated by Fantasy and Science Fiction, whether it is in literature, comic books, film, music or games.
    You will find interviews in it with celebrities like Farland, Pratchett, Arleston, Masterton, John Howe, Robin Hobb, Epica, Ange, Siudmak, Curval, Mike Mignola, Within Temptation, Hideo Nakata, Ayerdhal, Van Hamme, Poppy Z. Brite… as well as avant premieres and numerous previously unreleased material.
    Every publication includes a dossier in which a specific theme is being analysed to the detail (Vampires, Sorcerers, Space Opera, Dragons,…). And let’s not forget about the short stories of French speaking authors such as Roland C. Wagner, Léa Silhol, Thomas Day, etc. and English speaking authors such as Resnik, Tem and many others.
    And there’s always dozens of critical writings on books, music, comic books, manga, games, DVD…
    • a UNIQUE magazine in its sort
    • largely distributed (France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Swiss, Canada…)
    • all the news on SF and fantasy
    • a world of FANTASTIC images and words !

    #3348 Răspunde

    Hiparion Distribution SA Cluj-Napoca lanseaza, de maine, o noua publicatie SF romaneasca: Sci-Fi MAGAZIN (Colectia Povestirilor Stiintifico- Fantastice) , in format A4, nr. pagini: 80 – 96, capsate, cu un tiraj initial de 10.000 exemplare, hirtie LWC, coperti color.
    O asteptam.

    #3349 Răspunde

    Am placerea sa va anunt ca filmul meu Bela Lugosi-Vampirul Cazut va fi difuzat in aceasta seara pe TVR1, la ora 21.45, pentru prima oara in Romania, si la numai doua zile de prezentarea in premiera pentru televiziune, care a avut loc pe canalul ARTE.
    Bela Lugosi-Vampirul Cazut este un film documentar cu durata de 52 de minute, despre viata si “activitatea” actorului american de origine maghiara Bela Lugosi, nascut la Lugoj (azi Romania) in anul 1882. Figura legendara, cunoscuta marelui public datorita interpretarii personajului Dracula din productia cu acelasi nume a studiourilor Universal din anul 1931, interpret al lui Isus, simpatizant comunist, narcoman, cabotin genial, sex simbol, vedeta celui mai prost film realizat vreodata la Hollywood dar mai ales actorul care a schimbat fata genului horror pentru totdeauna: Bela Lugosi “traieste” in zilele noastre o adevarata cariera postuma, in buna masura acesta fiind rezultatul excelentului film de lung metraj in regia lui Tim Burton “ED WOOD” lansat in anul 1995.
    BELA LUGOSI – VAMPIRUL CAZUT este o productie SUB-CULT-URA Romania) impreuna cu STARCREST MEDIA (Germania) finantata de ARTE, AVRO, ORF, YLE si TVR si realizata cu sprijinul Centrului National al Cinematografiei impreuna cu IBH – Hessa.

    Vizionare placuta!
    Florin Iepan

    #3350 Răspunde

    Subsemanta, înainta?? de sub cuvertur?, dar dârdâind de fric?, s-a uitat pe arte duminic? seara ?i a a?teptat cu frison documentarul lui Iepan.
    Ca titlu informativ, declar cu mâhnire, c? documentarul dumisale m-a l?sat cam rece.
    Are ceva senzationalist de documentar american, din cele f?cute de Entertainement. Cele dou? c?i de cercetare, pe de-o parte, analiza folclorului ?i a obiceiurile din zona transilvan? ?i parcursul artistului Lugosi, nu se împletesc foarte bine.
    Accesul la arhive mai rare fac acest documentar pre?ios pentru cei interesa?i de cariera lui Lugosi. De?i sunt multe momente lips? din cariera lui. Tot m? mir de acea apari?ie a lui Lugosi in Glen ?i Glenda de Ed Wood ?i imi pare r?u c? analistii-comentatorii nu s-au oprit mai mult asupra ei.
    Cine are ochi de v?zut, s? se uite.

    #3351 Răspunde

    Felicitari pentru realizare, n-am stiut ca Lugosi a fost un tovaras al lui Kun Béla, mi-a placut ca atzi marsat pe latura umana a actorului si atzi cautat sa ne facetzi sa chicotim in privintza ”bampirului’ ‘ (atzi citit cartea doamnei Hedesan? cu siguranta ca da)

    Pace si binetze, Gyuri

    PS. O remarca la adresa ”bampirului, curat caraghioz” – ”O scrisoare pierduta” a fost jucata in 1884, cu un deceniu inainte de publicarea romanului lui Bram Stoker

    preluare de pe grupul de discutii de pe yahoo wellstimisoara

    #3352 Răspunde

    90 de ani.
    In care au intrat sute si sute de ani
    din viitor.


    #3353 Răspunde

    Actorul a murit la 84 de ani.

    “Charlton Heston was seen by the world as larger than life. He was known for his chiseled jaw, broad shoulders and resonating voice, and, of course, for the roles he played,” Heston’s family said in a statement. “No one could ask for a fuller life than his. No man could have given more to his family, to his profession, and to his country.”

    “I have a face that belongs in another century,” he often remarked.

    Soylent Green, 1973 – Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film
    dupa romanul “Make Room! Make Room!” de Harry Harrison.

    In 2022, New York City is populated with 40 million people, half of whom are unemployed. The air is smoggy and sooty, and the sun bakes everything, everyday, at 90 degrees. Overpopulation and the destruction of the environment may have rendered human life cheap, but food–that is, real food–is quite expensive. A jar of real strawberry jam costs $150, if it’s available–supermarkets don’t exist anymore. The government now dispenses rations of food substances made by the Soylent corporation: Soylent Yellow, Soylent Red, and the newest product, Soylent Green.

    But even these Soylent products are in short supply. Riot police are always dispatched when Soylent is distributed, because violence kicks in when the food runs out. Thorn (Heston) is a member of this modern, beleaguered police force, which pilfers every crime scene for the necessities of life. When Thorn is called in to investigate the death of a Soylent Corporation executive, his take is a treasure trove: a towel, a bar of soap, paper, and some real food–celery, a couple of apples, and half a pound of beef.

    But what at first seems to Thorn a clumsy robbery soon seems a highly-managed assassination. But ironically, it is the death of Thorn’s aging friend, Sol (Robinson), one of the few who still remembered what food was, what plenty meant, that cracks the case and unmasks a conspiracy. It is only through Sol’s death that Thorn understands what the world has lost and what it has become…

    Dystopia, euthanasia and all the rest

    Soylent Green is a basic, cautionary tale of what could become of humanity physically and spiritually if it doesn’t nurture the planet that nurtures it. There is little in this film that has not been seen in its brethren: faceless, oppressive crowds; sheep mentality; the corrosion of the soul, of imagination, of collective memory. Quirkily enough, Soylent Green often succeeds despite its director, whose tendency is to overuse Charlton Heston to illustrate every nuance of this dystopia.

    Ironically, the film’s most powerful moments do not belong to Heston, who makes a dubious, ambiguous hero. It is Robinson who lays claim to the most moving passages of the film. As Sol he speaks frequently throughout the film of what the planet was like, and he sounds like any old-timer of any generation. But in this bleak future, as one of the few who remembers, he is the film’s conscience and soul. When Sol finally succumbs to despair and relinquishes himself to a government euthanasia center, Thorn sees glimpses of the Earth’s lost legacy. In his world, the average person only sees blue skies and green forests via canned video during their last 20 minutes of life in a government euthanasia center.
    Review by Tamara I. Hladik


    #3354 Răspunde


    Ieri ‘am aprins’ cea de-a doua lumanare dintre cele 4 pregatite intru intampinarea Craciunului (versiunea origami).

    Pana sa ne bucuram in tihna de Sarbatorile de Iarna, am dorit sa vedem gata, realizat si postat:
    un nou numar al revistei noastre de teorie, critica si istorie literara SF (plus unele incursiuni in alte domenii ale imaginarului).

    Ne-am bucurat sa primim materialele destinate noua pana sambata, 13 decembrie, la miezul noptzii, ca apoi sa le codificam si sa le punem in pagina, iar apoi sa sarbatorim in buna pace.

    Catalin Ionescu si Gyorfi-Deak Gyorgy

    #3355 Răspunde

    In aparenta elitista, pentru ca, prin imputinare, sefeul a ajuns sa fie perceput astfel, apare o revista de literatura SF: GALILEO science fiction & fantasy – editor: MILLENNIUM PRESS, trimestrial, 240 pagini, format: 135 x 205 x 17 mm

    povestiri şi nuvele ale celor mai importanţi autori români de gen
    traducerea unor povestiri şi nuvele recompensate cu premii de prestigiu: Hugo • Nebula • World Fantasy • Locus • Sidewise • Aurora • Bram Stoker • Aurealis etc.
    rubrici incitante care radiografiază fenomenul F&SF în raport cu lumea de azi, susţinute de Cory Doctorow, Graham Sleight, Paul di Filippo, Mircea Opriţă şi alţi invitaţi.

    Sa fie o noua tentativa transilvana de innobilare a unei arte populare, fie vorba intre noi, tot mai mult comics-cinematografica decat literara?
    O rezistenta in munti, cu cerneala pe hartie si farmecul ei…

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